Recommendations on switching from PHUL to 3-day routine?


New member
38m here. Been going to the gym for a while, but never had much structure (some weights, some cardio) until I started doing PHUL about 2 years ago. Have really enjoyed seeing progress and it's helped me with lower back pain.

For a while I was great at keeping up the 4-day workout routine, but the last few months there have been some changes in my life (e.g. work) and I usually only make it to the gym 3 days a week.

As a result I end up with a weekly PHUL routine without the fourth day of Lower Hypertrophy. (I start every Monday with Upper Power, end on Friday with Upper Hypertrophy and then hit reset the next Monday with Upper Power again).

Was hoping to get some advice here on how I should proceed, since I'm hearing different opinions and I'm starting to feel demotivated since I rarely hit my weekly workout goal.

Should I just continue like I am, missing the fourth day of PHUL? Should I try to incorporate Lower Hyperthrophy exercises into my current third day of Upper Hypertrophy? Or is it worth switching to full body exercises three days a week instead? Or any other recommendations?

Ideally I'd switch to something that allows me to keep several of my current exercises.