Vegan (or at least vegetarian) Creatine Recommendations?

@ginger1108 I cycle long distance (50-100km / 2-4 hours) frequently and hydration and nutrition start to matter a lot more once you push hard past a couple hours.

I started taking creatine last year and I started cramping up more often if I wasn't good about water.

I honestly don't know what the right amount is, but regularly taking magnesium, and then just drinking more water than I usually do seems good enough.

I'll usually drink a litre with some gatorade powder or just eat something salty a bit before I ride and then fill up a bottle with gatorade and water as well for the ride. When I'm doing hard efforts I need about a bottle an hour, so once I finish the first bottle I'll try and find a fountain or tap and fill it up when I can.

This is obviously way more important in the summer when it's hot and I'm sweating.

In the winter I often get away without drinking much at all during the ride as long as I hydrated well before.

It's best to just stay hydrated all the time instead of trying to play catch up... if you're feeling thirsty it's already too late.
@ginger1108 As others have stated I think all creatine is vegan. I've been using BulkPowders creatine and recently saw this video by Dr. Greger that seems to suggest they're top-notch for purity and not having heavy metals or whatever. So I'll be sticking with them and would recommend them.

@mylordyeshuathemessiah It does not cause hair loss. It is a myth.
The source of that myth is one single study that claimed that serum DHT levels are increased by 40 % after taking it. DHT in hair follicles is associated with hair loss.

There are two important points:
  1. The DHT levels found were insignificant, in the lower region of what is expected. (Increase from 0.9 to 1.25, 0.9 - 3 range is normal)
  2. Serum levels are irrelevant for hair loss and do not influence DHT concentration at the hair follicles. They formation of serum DHT (through 5-alphareductase of Testosterone) is different to the mechanism how it's produced in hair follicles.