Recurring injuries getting in the way of my progress - aging, or something missing from my diet?


New member
Howdy! Vegan 8 years here. I'm a rock climber and weight lifter, and I absolutely love both, but I keep getting these injuries that feel unrelated to the intensity or frequency of my workouts. It's to the point where I'll wake up and some random tiny muscle in my hand or back is messed up, even though I hadn't done any climbing or lifting the last few days. In my late 20's, and while I know some of you might be like "yeah you're getting old!!!" I'm curious what supplements/vitamins/nutrition I should focus on to prevent these injuries. Maybe it is related to aging, and if so, that's still something I'd like to handle!

Edit 1: Here are some ideas that I think are closest to the mark, and that I'll be testing:
  1. Algae Omega3 / Inadequate fats consumption ( @casew @bones49 @613jono @samkruger )
  2. Mobility work - stretching, warm-up, yoga, etc. @mylordyeshuathemessiah
  3. Muscle Imbalances @shayla22
  4. See a physiotherapist @mannygee
  5. EDS (Collagen Disorder) - probably not my issue personally, but maybe someone else might find this relevant @mannygee
Did my best to cite everyone - if I missed you, sorry! Just dm me and I'll add you.
@jamie2 Most people avoid doing any type of a mobility work. Do you do warmup and stretching before engaging in physical activity? I'm in my mid 30s and feel pretty unbreakable from doing mobility training and yoga daily.
@jamie2 Sorry but why would a 20 yo be like 'I'm getting old'?!

Anyway, you should go and see a physio. Also if you're sustaining injuries like this have them assess your whole body. You could have something simple like overuse injury or you could have EDS (aka collagen disorder), or a whole host of other issues.
@jamie2 I'm not being a dick when I say that's not old. Like, if you were here saying I'm 60 yo and physically active but sustaining constant injury that would be a different story. If you're active and below like 60+ years of age then you're not considered old. Most Drs will tell you this. You're not even in the category of someone that would be experiencing something like severe sarcopenia.

I mean this with a hefty dose of respect, but get a grip bro. You aren't old or even into the 'getting old' stage of life. :)) You might be physically feeling creaky and I get it but - If you're sustaining constant injury and you're physically active something isn't right - seek medical advice. A physiotherapist is a good first stop and hopefully the last.
@jamie2 I boulder and recently started lifting. I’ve got a fair few injuries from skating/biking/gymnastics/work etc but the last couple of months it seems unending to the point I’ve been to the doctor for a checkup, no deficiencies or signs of inflammation.

Recently started taking joint supplements and DHA (omega3) which is making some minor improvements.

Same symptom though, randomly a finger will hurt or a weird single point in a back muscle will feel like a string about to snap or an the top of my foot will feel tight and burny.

If you find any solutions I’d love to hear them!
  • Sleep quality is okay, depends on the day.
  • Honestly, typing is a big thing I should definitely remember...
  • This is helpful, thanks
  • So hard to say, but I generally eat lots of vegetables and produce of various colors, and plenty of protein via soy products. I keep beans on the lower end due to excessive gas I've had in the past. I occasionally pop a vitamin D, a magnesium, or multivitamin, but not as regularly maybe as I should
@jamie2 I recommend getting a nutrition tracker with Macros to work out what you are missing in your diet.

And for the love of god please take an Algae Omega 3 supplement daily. It's necessary for a healthy brain. It's normally in fish, but vegans can't get it anywhere else (flax and chai seed omega 3 is not the same thing).
@jamie2 You work out and climb so I hardly doubt that any of your muscles get “untouched”, and both activities are pretty demanding, I don’t think it’s related to you diet but your training, probably DOMS, it’s normal.
@darlene5 I agree that training plays a part, but some of the injuries I've sustained have been after a full week or more of no real exercise - I'll just wake up with some random issue
@jamie2 I’m not a doctor and my knowledge from here is pretty basic, so there’s nothing more I can say… I’m sorry, but I just wouldn’t worry to much.
@jamie2 Sounds like you are overtraining. From your diet comment, you didn’t mention any fats. You need high quality fats to keep your body healthy and absorb fat-soluble nutrients.
@bones49 Thanks for your thoughts. What fats would you recommend? I would say I get most of my fats from soy products, avocado oil, and coconut oil/cream.
@jamie2 Avocados + avocado oil, nuts + seeds + their butters, olives + olive oil are all excellent for you! Those are my "green light" fats. My "yellow light" fats are more saturated: coconut, coconut oil/cream/milk, cacao + dark chocolate, vegan butters.
@jamie2 Could be from prior injuries or just developing general muscle imbalances. Climbing and lifting can easily create that. For example, you can get elbow pain and finger pain if you don’t workout the opposing muscles that grip. Wrist extensors and what not need worked.

Just my two cents.