Reverse diet


New member
I have lost 15 kg in the last 7 months.
Went from 28% bf to 17% - i was cutting at 1750 calories. Now I m moving to reverse diet at 2050.
Should I expect a normal weight gain due to the increase of carbs intake? Also if I did gained like 1 to 2 kg - will this be normal water retention?

P.S: I do weight lifting and cardio 4 times a week.

Calories distribution:
245 grams Carbs
160 grams protein
48 grams Fat
@franktrc Generally after a calorie deficit, when you go back to eating either at maintenance, or in a calorie surplus you will initially gain possibly a few kilos (give or take) within that first week or two of reversing your diet. This will be in part due to water weight, your glycogen stores refilling and generally your body just returning to a normal state of functioning. After the first week or two this should level out and you’ll be able to get a better idea of your actual weight gain, and adjust calories accordingly.
@franktrc You’re really not going to make any gains past the beginning stage not bulking all you have to do as I have delt with bulking fear from when I use to be fat then got skinny now jacked, slow bulk you only need to go 200 cals above maintenance and if you get low bodyfat you can do that for a year without getting fat and you’ll make amazing gains. Maingaining doesn’t work past the beginner/novice stage
@franktrc What's your weight?

Should I expect a normal weight gain due to the increase of carbs intake?

Calories in, calories out. Doesn't matter the macro.

It depends a lot on how much you actually weight now - also, how did you measure your bodyfat?

Also depends on your intensity for the cardio and lifting.

More information could give you better answers.
@infamous I would disagree strongly with you my friend, on the calories in and out parts. Micronutrients are very important! Maybe it is not related directly with weight loss, but definitely, related to how you will lose weight and what weight actually you will be losing.

Replying to the other part, I m 66.2 kg now and 172 cm tall, body fat was measured by an inbody gym scale.

Doing a 4 days split, upper and lower
9 exercises x 15 rep each + 35 min cardio. (Walking on a treadmill with a 15 incline and 3.5 speed)

Hopefully that’s help :)
Replying to the other part, I m 66.2 kg now and 172 cm tall, body fat was measured by an inbody gym scale.

Doing a 4 days split, upper and lower 9 exercises x 15 rep each + 35 min cardio. (Walking on a treadmill with a 15 incline and 3.5 speed)

The cardio itself burns you a shitton, but your lifting is getting hammered by the cardio draining your fatigue and taking away your muscle gains. Is there a reason you want to keep doing cardio if your goal is building muscle?

How much do you lift in those exercises? Are you doing full ROM?

You should go, if you haven't, into a maintenance phase. Keep this weight for a month or two. Make your body get used to it, and then start bulking up if you feel to when you are going to grow muscles.

You are also overdoing it with the protein. You need between 1 to 1.5g per kg of lean bodymass of protein for building muscle efficiently. The rest is going in as basic energy storage and doesn't do you anything.

Micronutrients are very important! Maybe it is not related directly with weight loss, but definitely, related to how you will lose weight and what weight actually you will be losing.

Do you mean macronutrients? I didn't say micronutrients - in any way, it doesn't work like that - not sure where you get this information, but there is no scientific consensus that leads to this statement. This has nothing to do with opinion. Laws of thermodynamics can not be broken, and the body doesn't care about the source of its energy when it is storing it as either fat or glycogen. Your genetics tell you where to put on fat, and where to lose it, not your macros.

Also, where do you get your information about "reverse diet"? A quick google search tags it as a fad without any evidence. What is your goal with it?
@franktrc My experience was successful I think well I increased my calories from 2000ish all the way up to 3200 for a bulk then went into a cut at 2500