Has anyone tried reverse dieting?

@vireak u could do plenty of stuff with those dumbbells at home for a while (few months until u progress with those weights and won't be able to reach hypertrophy anymore) but it should feel heavy/close to failure. failure meaning it's last possible rep and u physically can't perform a full rep anymore. u could do upper-lower days with some kind of comfortable schedule but u would need to be consistent so ur muscles would grow. there're decent dumbbell only workouts at home on youtube (u could repeat after men/do workouts made for men too). but eventually if possible try to start going to gym, it's worthy investment and it doesn't have to be fancy gym. from my experience i could never train at home as efficiently as i do at the gym. minimal distractions and variety of equipment really do wonders.

cardio is way better at burning calories so do whatever u can/enjoy doing, walking 10k is nice too. if u want and have time for it, u could do aerobic cardio at home for 30min-1h every day or every few days (i do 1h of aerobic cardio sometimes when i'm off the gym). good thing about aerobic cardio, vs HIIT for example, is that ur heartrate stays in the same zone and u can perform it longer since it's pretty low intensity.

u could try and refeed now, u don't seem to lose weight for a while so eating more/maintenance for few weeks won't compromise anything. it won't hurt to try:)
@inthepottershands Thank you so much! 💛 I did physionomique (idk how to spell it) and he had awesome plans for home and gym. 🥰 I guess I could do the dumbbells and add more reps for now. 🙏🏻 and I will increase my cardio yes! Thank youu! This is so helpful.