Rite of Passage with low ceiling?


New member
How could I best adapt the Rite of Passage program for a low ceiling room? I know I could go outside, and sometimes I will, but in the cold winter month it would be nice to have options for staying indoors.

I'm thinking of replacing C+P/MP with z-press, sod press and some regular cleans. I don't currently have access to more kettlebells with the same weight, so I'd prefer things I can do with single or odd-load exercise. For the pull part I'll just stick to swings.

Am I missing out on anything with this approach?
@alioboube Your ideas are good solutions but I personally would do it differently. I speak from experience when I say that the z-press is a great exercise that sucks to do with kettlebells for one reason only; you won't be able to pick them off the ground while seated so you'll have to squat down into a z-press from a clean. This is very tedious to do for a lot of sets.

The Zot press is good but is better used as a complementary exercise since it is even more tedious and hard to press from (for the wrong reasons) than the z-press is.

I would opt for seated pressing. Clean -> sit -> press. I would recommend any type of seat that has no back so you don't lean against anything. This should have better carryover to standing.
@7wishes Fantastic! I'll go with that then. This might be a dump question, but do I need to squat up and do a clean for each rep in the beginning (edit: like Pavel tells you to do, I believe), or can I just clean once for each set?

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