RMR, Caliper, BIA, DEXA, Bod Pod Results: 26 F / 5'6" / 127.8 lbs / 8.9-12.3% BF

@katzby23 This is interesting, thanks for sharing. Are there any concerns or direction in your mind or from your doctor with the "risky" box checked? Looking at your pictures I would not have thought you were at a risky level of leanness, but I see in your last post that you were not menstruating and might have some other hormonal stuff going on. Has getting leaner negatively affected any of that? Or have you been able to improve on some of it in the past month?
@staywithme I have not spoken to my doctor about these results, or my previous results; I have a check up with him in 1 month. His advice at the last exam was to eat more fats, which I have started, and I have yet to see improvements in regards to the period issue. I stopped my BC pills 1 month ago....we'll see how that works out.

In the 1.5 months since my last test

Previous test - 107.28796 lbs of lean mass

This test - 112.6 lbs of lean mass (previous test had lean+BMC...so I had to add the lean (106.7lbs)+BMC (5.9lbs) to get the (112.6 lbs)

Net GAIN - 5.31204 lbs of lean mass

Previous test - 19.91436 lbs of fat mass

This test - 14.9 lbs of fat mass

Net LOSS - 5.014 lbs of fat mass

In regards to the getting leaner....I do not feel like it has changed my hormone situation. I do think things are getting better because I'm having less cravings, less mood swings (but the mood swings I do have can be pretty intense...I don't cry much, but apparently when I get really stressed/angry I default to crying now....-___-).

If you have any specific questions, in regards to hormone stuff, don't hesitate to get more specific. It's kinda hard to just pull stuff out of the area when trying to assess patterns for me.
@katzby23 How do you feel sitting at that bf%? Are you at the end of a "cut" phase, or is it sustainable for you? Have you found a peak weight where your performance is better than others? So many questions, I'm sorry! You look absolutely amazing!
@hope88 The funny thing is....I just started a cut phase a week ago. Was planning on doing a 4 week cut at .5lb a week because I want to see my abs....like legit 6 pack. I read everywhere that if you can't see your abs, it's probably cause you are too high a BF%. I'll be honest....I thought my last test was wrong and that it pegged me lower than what I thought I'd be at. Now, I think my fat just likes to sit right below my belly button.

Ask any question you'd like....that's why I posted this stuff! EDUCATION WOOO!!!
@katzby23 I was thinking that looking at your pic- it's crazy you don't have more visible abs with BF that low. I'm the opposite all my fat is stored in my limbs and hardly any on the torso.
@welmadixson I think I'm just going to have to accept that I need to do dedicated ab work. I was nervous about doing weighted ab work, because when I was doing it before....I was also doing my obliques, and they were getting WAY TOO BIG and made me feel like I was losing what little waist to hip difference I had.

Now I realize that I can just do no weight oblique stuff, and probably not have the huge oblique problem happen again.
@katzby23 calisthenics were huuuuge for my own ab definition, and I have also noticed a major improvement in ab prominence by cutting down on my powerlifting belt reliance.

A little over a year ago I was at the height of my powerlifting and the difference between my belted and unbelted squat/DL were huge. If I deadlifted 275 with a belt, I was super uncomfortable moving even 200 without a belt!

I took some time off from powerlifting and when I picked it back up again (as a supplement to calisthenics work, rather than my main focus) I decided to start over, re-training the lifts beltless. I've more or less caught up to my old numbers, now beltless. My ab activation is vastly improved. My bf% is too high to see major ab definition, but it is much greater than it was, and feeling my abs/obliques beneath the fat, the difference is tremendous.

As for dedicated ab work, weighted GHR situps are great, along with really any calisthenics/ring work. If you can do a front lever, v-sit, or tuck planche, it goes without saying your abs are crazy strong and probably very prominent.
@katzby23 I know sometimes to get those popping abs you need to do really weighted work... build them like any other muscle:) you do look great, though! I love seeing that you stacked a bunch of methods. What is your primary route of fitness? Cardio? Lifting? Yoga? I'm so intrigued
@hope88 Hands down it's lifting.

I lift from 6-7-7:30 M-Saturday (Wednesday is cardio only). I do cardio for ~30 minutes after my lifting. So that's about 12 hours of gym stuff, with ~7 hours of that being lifting.

My general lifting plan has been two lower days, two upper days, and MAYBE an arm day (or an extra butt day).
@katzby23 This is glorious for me. You and I run almost the same sort of schedule. Just more cardio for me for the sake of some job related stuff. Last question, promise! Do you mind sharing your lifting numbers?
@hope88 Currently my big lifts:

Monday: Barbell (High Bar) Squats 145lbs 4x10-11

Tuesday: Barbell Benchpress 100lbs 4x10

Thursday: Barbell Wide Stance Stiff Leg Deadlift 155lbs 4x12

Friday: Deadlift 165lbs 4x12 AND Barbell Row 95lbs 4x12

I have been eating at maintenance or cutting for the last few weeks so my numbers are definitely holding steady / going down from my bulking numbers.
@christopher30 Right? I guess its cause between your calf muscle and your ankle....you can't really develop that area in regards to muscle so it's just fat? I have no idea, but I too was like....ok lol?