Rogue Intentionally Infringes on Molly Metz Jump Rope Patent Government Rigs the System in Favor of Big Business

@christopher11 a good way to prove non-obviousness is to teach away.

example: prior art is a revolver firearm

your inventions: utility patent - a firearm that when triggered, all remaining bullets held by that firearm fall to the floor. (this teaches away from the traditional firearm because firearms were made for self defense. therefore if a user is defending themselves, they would not want the bullets in their firearm falling out after the trigger is pulled once.

design patent - a barrel that is curved upwards to face the user (this teaches away from the prior art because firearms are used for self defense. one would not make a firearm with the curved barrel as shown in the design patent because they would not be able to defend themselves in case the user was being threatened or in danger. instead, the user would simply have a regular firearm and point it at themselves directly besides making a firearm with a curved barrel.

You have to provide an articulated reasoning with a rationale underpinning one why a skilled artisan would not have found your claimed invention obvious (KSR TEST). A great way to pass the KSR test is to prove your invention TEACHES away (is a departure) from the prior art.

given the examples, one would say "both of those ideas are stupid, WHY WOULD ANYBODY..." stop it there. ding ding ding. those are the magic words. "why would anybody". that is when you probably have something that can pass the obvious analysis in patentability.
Another post from Metz roughly six days ago with some additional information:

Since 2010 my jump rope technology and content have been stolen by others. When you create something fantastic, people steal it. It is the cruel reality of being innovative.

However, The Patent Act of 1790 opened a door for anyone, male or female, to PROTECT his or her invention with a patent. Holding a patent meant an individual has the right to prevent others from making or selling their invention.

What an AMAZING thing this did for our country.

Sadly, in 2011, our patent system broke. A bill was passed in congress, with the ironic title of “The America Invents Act” (AIA). This bill took away inventors' biggest protection which was their right to prevent others from making or selling their invention by having a constitutional trial by jury and due process. The AIA created an administrative court with no jury and little due process where most patent infringement battles end up now.

84% of patents that have been reviewed by the new administrative court have been invalidated under the American Invents Act. Leaving thousands of inventors with nothing.

I am one of those inventors.

This is my first podcast of many telling my story. Everyday I learn more about what happened to me and what is happening to others like me.

As I dig deeper into what happened I am sadly finding some of the scary truths as to why the “America Invents Act” was put in place and how our country is in big trouble.

My journey includes an invite to all the other inventors and anyone who owns and believes in small businesses in our country. We need your support in restoring our patent protection in our country.
Edit: Fixed link on bottom.

From Metz on Sept. 27, 2022:

I was so proud to receive my only two patents back in 2010/2012. I always believed that our country thrived on the spirit of innovation and the protection of patents.

When I served my infringer I did not receive the protection that the government promised me when I was granted my patents.

I instead was told I had to fight for the validity of my patents. What was wrong with my patents?

In 2008 I spent $30k to the USPTO and waited fours years for the examination of my patents. From 2018-2021 I spent over $500k at the PTAB to prove the validity of my patents.

Today I have no patents and never received a day in court with my infringer.

Visit the USPTO website and follow USPTO Director Kathi Vidal to see how they continue push innovation and patent protection.

I believe the government is lying to us. Patents don’t protect our life’s work.My story seems to be an inconvenient truth to them.

How many other woman and small business owners have had or will have their patents taken away like mine.

To all the inventors out there let’s come together! Your stories, while I know are difficult to talk about are extremely important to tell right now.

Who would like to see a meeting with USPTO Director Kathi Vidal and inventors who have gone through the PTAB experience like I have?

Isn’t this how we fix things?Link to story here:
@reathua9 I'm not her spokesperson in any way...but I think the problem lies in how patent disputes are now handled. There was a change in the "due process" of these disputes which has overwhelmingly swayed the rulings in favor of large corporations instead of the original inventor/patent holder.

While this is a CrossFit thread, this will have catastrophic impacts on those who innovate.

Since many of us on here are or have been Rogue customers, it's very relevant which is why I put it in this sub. Rogue knew what they were doing.
@reathua9 i believe it was invalidated for not being non-obvious, in that a person reasonably skilled in the art would have known to just combine two other designs from older patents to come up with hers.
@reathua9 Basically they were screwed over by Big Tech, who got the laws changed in their favor. Old laws let patent trolls sue tech companies. That's a no no. But it also prevented Rogue from pulling a China on indie makers. So it goes