ROP or The Giant after DFW?


New member
I've just finished my first ever cycle of D.F.W. with double 24kgs and increased my max C&P from 6 reps to 10 reps with that weight. My question is what would be the best program to do next? I've purchased The Giant series from Geoff Neupert's site and could start with the 1.0 now that I'm at a 10RM with the double 24's. I also have ETK and could start ROP with my single 28kg as that is my 5L/6R RM for the C&P.

My current goal is to get good at pressing. I'd like to at least get to pressing double 32's for a few reps before deciding on whether to focus on a different goal or not. I've never done either program so I'd like y'all's opinions on which one gives the best results.
@shrie Since your goal is getting better at pressing AND your goal is double 32’s, it’s a no brainer… do Giant 1.0->1.1->1.2->2.0 (all 10 rm programs which you’d use your 24’s with). Once done (4 months), you’ll will 100% be able to do double 32’s for Giant 3.0 or DFW (both are 5 rm programs).

ROP is a great beginner program but it is only a single bell program. Only thing ROP has that Giant doesn’t is swings and snatches. That said, you could simple add a couple 10 minute swing or snatch sessions after your Giant sessions.

Don’t think on it any further, but Giant and watch your upper body transform and your pressing skills go way up.
@shrie I would go with Giant, but with the caveat of running the full 16 week Giant series. 1.1 and 1.2 are where the magic really happens, 1.0 and 2.0 build your work capacity to make the foundation for that magic.
@shrie I’d do The Giant with the 24s. I had really good results on it. If you feel like you need a break you could “deload” for a cycle of DFW with the single 28 kg after a cycle of the Giant.

If you have some more time during the week I’d consider adding in a few pull-ups and squats. Maybe a few swing or snatch sessions for conditioning. That’s completely up to you though.
@shrie both would be great, for me it's a slight edge to The Giant 1.0 though. Everyone responds differently to different types of training though.

You could also get the new "Easy Muscle" program and do it's schedule A or B programs which are like "The Giant++" and "Giant Fighting Weight" respectively.

I'd like to at least get to pressing double 32's for a few reps

I'm surprised that if you can bang out 10 reps with the 24's, that you can't get the 32's for 2-3. Maybe some skill focused sessions would be good too?
@skystematic Thanks for the reply!

I don't have a 32 to test with right now. The plan is to get one or two as I work up through the weights. The heaviest I have as of now is a single 28kg.
@shrie Ahh yeah -- I'd think you could press it now, but you've still got a lot of mileage to get out of the 24s and definitely the 28s, especially with the giant.
@shrie I think /@rabbie77 has a video on how to make presses harder with a lighter bell.

Iirc bottoms up presses were one of the ways.

Might be worthwhile doing that with your 28 while you wait to get a 32..
@shrie I would do it slow like:
ROP 28kg,
Giant 2x28kg (3.0/1.0/2.0/1.1/1.2),
ROP 32kg,
Giant 2x32kg

Then you would have a nice alternation between singles & doubles and a slow but steady progress.