Routine advice for a noobie


New member
Hi, would like some advice or just a thumbs up on my current routine, please.

M/33 - I've been going to the gym constantly 3 days a week for the last two months. Never been particularly active before, but since turning 30 have started getting podgy (always been v slim).

I've been sticking to using machines mostly while I build, strength/confidence/mind-muscle connection, before adding free weights.

This is the routine I've been using so far:

10 mins on bike ~ 5k covered for warm up,

5 x 8reps Shoulder Press Machine,

5 x 10reps Leg Press Machine,

5 x 10reps Chest Press Machine - have recently started using dumbbells for this with a slight incline,

5 x 10reps Calf Press Machine,

5 x 8reps Lat Pull Down Machine,

5 x 8reps Rear Fly Machine,

10 min on treadmill - cool down.

Does this seem like a good routine for getting a base down and them noob gains? Is there anything else I should be throwing in or substituting out?

Any advice, tips, recommendations welcome.

@anika98 Start by going to FitWiki and read all of it, ALL OF IT. There are several easy digestible articles on training, diet and routines. The FAQ page will probably answer all your follow-up questions. Then pick a program from the recommended routines, preferably the beginner program . If you don't have access to a gym, follow the beginner bodyweight program. Go on YouTube, and you will find several videos on how to perform the different exercises.

I would start with the following articles:
- Getting started with fitness
GL dude!