Routine help/advice?


New member
Hi, new to this used to play sports often but broke my leg and have since fallen far out of shape. I would say the goal right now is to lose over 5 stone I didn’t know where to start but just thought I have to start so I got ChatGTP to create me a Plan I’ve done this for the past 3 days it’s not much but I have no equipment or prior knowledge anyone have any thoughts or maybe another plan that I can follow. Thanks.
@rdtoo I would say to stay to the basics, I do a routine that looks something like this

10 pushups

10 crunches

10 dips

10 squats

10 Jumping jacks

30 secs of plank

With 3 repetitions of the whole chart, or if I feel energyzed I repeat till I get tired. I also add some shadowboxing as cardio at the end, I do boxing because I rlly enjoy doing it, but you could do whatever you like as running, cycling, swimming...

Sorry for broken english btw and hope that helps you