RP Hypertrophy App Update, Mesocycle 3

@cattat Hi, Could you tell me how you were able to change the mesocycle length to 6 weeks in the app? I can't find an option to change it from 4 weeks. Thanks
I can see how it can be done when creating a mesocycle, but would like to edit one that I had already started (at the end of week one).
@cattat Does the focus/design of each mesocycle change in any way or is the only option to adjust the number of weeks?

For example, in the RP Male Physique Templates there are 4 mesocycles with the last week always being a deload:
  1. Standard 6 to 7 week RP style hypertrophy cycle (i.e. input an estimate for your 10RM weight for every exercise and it then uses 85% of that weight as your working weight for the 1st week. Since estimates aren't perfect they say it should put you in the 5-30 rep range per set. Then it adds 2.5% weight per week to progress from 3-0 RIR by the end of the cycle. Based on your ratings for recovery, performance, pump, & soreness after completing each exercise it will add or decrease sets for those muscle groups in follow-up sessions)
  2. Repeat of 1
  3. Metabolite focused 4 to 5 week mesocycle using 60% to 75% of your 10RM as your working weight for the 1st week, 1-2 more exercises in some sessions, a little higher starting set count per exercise
  4. Resensitization phase of 3 weeks using 100% of your estimated 10RM in the 1st week, lower starting set count per exercise, reduced number of exercises per session
After you do all 4 it tells you to go back to 1 and repeat the block over and over and I'm curious if the app does something similar or if it's just all the standard hypertrophy mesocycles like 1 and 2 that repeat indefinitely.

I believe the RP templates haven't been updated since 2018 so I'm wondering if the template design is using slightly outdated principles where the metabolite and/or resensitization phases are not really necessary.
@cattat Hey do you know how I can switch back from a day? Like for example I have a workout on Monday but I accidentally started editing Wednesday’s workout just taking off workouts from the list and now when I go back to Monday’s workout it says a workout is in progress which is Wednesday’s workout
@cattat Is there an ability to tweak a mesocycle for muscle maintenance only? This summer I want to go after some endurance sports hard while minimizing muslce loss. Was hoping I could use the RP app for that.