S&C programming and kinesiology resources outside of CrossFit methodology


New member
Hi all,

I'm just about to start my journey shadowing and hopefully becoming a CF coach.

I want to better my understanding of different S&C methods as well as general human physiology and kinesiology.

I've done strength training programs along side CrossFit, but I want to better understand how and why they work.

What are some good books or resources to start diving into this area?
@grant4god If your goal is to coach CrossFit group classes, stick with the CrossFit Methodology for a few years. Many young coaches make the mistake of too much, too soon.

Learn proper progressions for every movement, learn to write your own progressions, and focus on doing the basics exceptionally well.

Find experienced CrossFit coaches in your area and ask to Shadow them. Ideally, they at your current affiliate; however, if that isn't possible consider a road trip or two.

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