S.O.S I need help building shoulders!

So I find that my weak point is my shoulders any tips, advice, exercises, or programs on building shoulders? Have a hard time, especially with the rear delt any advice?

I currently don't have gym access but I have 10, 20, 30, pound dumbbells. 60ib weight vest, and park with a pull-up and dip bar. I normally do push, pull, and leg split but I am thinking of adding a shoulder day.
So I find that my weak point is my shoulders

How do you conclude this?

Have a hard time, especially with the rear delt any advice?

In order of importance: shoulder press, lateral raise (or front raise to lateral raise), back flyes, and rows emphasizing rear delts.

I normally do push, pull, and leg split but I am thinking of adding a shoulder day.

If your protein intake, recovery, and effective volume aren't on point, it won't matter what your frequency is.
@jeffwilly001 I concluded that based on my results I don't bench and my chest grows but I can target the shoulders and the progress is much slower. Thanks for the exercises and yes I have taken protein intake and recovery into account.
@imogenefromnewzealand You're comparing your results with a fictional hypothetical that doesn't exist. You can't conclude you have a weakpoint when what you're comparing it to (chest growth without bench press) would likely pale in comparison to chest growth if you did do bench press. The pectorals are a different muscle group with different stimuli and recruitment patterns, the whole body does not have a unanimous rate of growth.
@jeffwilly001 you don't have to take me so literally you know I am giving an oversimplification of what I actually do. Don't want to write everything I do in terms of workout, recovery, and nutrition. All I am saying is that based on feeling my shoulders tend to progress slower than other body parts in terms of strength and size. Just looking for ideas to address that. I know that I am not being super scientific but I like keeping things simple
@jeffwilly001 I get that just being informal but I mean if % size increase and % relative strength increase is less than other parts then that would mean my shoulders need more work. I am not here to write a scientific study on shoulders. I was just looking for ideas to better target my shoulders that's it. If it makes you happy you are right and I am wrong I didn't your scientific accurate language and the proper jargon. That doesn't change the fact that I want to work towards building stronger and healthier shoulders and that I am looking for ideas that I can include in my programming to do so. That is it... you are focusing on trivial details that are beside the point.
if % size increase and % relative strength increase is less than other parts then that would mean my shoulders need more work

Why are you assuming all muscle groups require the same stimuli and accrue the same rate of growth?

It's not about right or wrong, you're not being fair to yourself by equipping unrealistic expectations. It's entirely possible that your shoulder development is proportionally ahead of other muscle groups, but you're just not using the appropriate metrics to perceive that.
@imogenefromnewzealand The best progress metric is results over time. Any rate of growth is completely acceptable, long term investment will accrue value. It doesn't necessarily matter where your progress is now, what matters is how far you've come.

You can look at generalized standards but those depend on a lot of different factors such that they're typically approximate ranges based on weight, age, and experience: https://strengthlevel.com/strength-standards

If you're so inclined, you can read up on the best approaches for individual muscle groups: https://rpstrength.com/hypertrophy-training-guide-central-hub/