

New member
Soo... I hear everyone is lifting weights. And it helps you lose weight. So knowing literally nothing I start trying to lift weights at home because I can't go to the gym . . Welllll.. I hurt my back. Probably not bad it's like a pinched nerve or something. It was feeling a small amount better this morning so I decided that taking yesterday off was enough. Nope. Hurts just as much as when I first did it now. I'm icing and using a heat pack because that's about all they'd do at the dr anyways.
I just need some tips, success stories, low cal high protein ideas. Maybe someone to talk to and video chat if your open to helping me with my form.. Just need a buddy! I won't be working out probably for the next couple days while my back does what it's needs to.
30 / f / 145 / 5'2" I get about 15k steps a day.
@jenur Would you be open to investing in a personal trainer, as new person in the gym especially with mobility issues a trainer can be useful. I used trainer due to some hip flexor issues for a month and my trainer was really great at finding alternatives and building up strength deficits!
@dikaioumenoi Unfortunately I can't get a personal trainer or go to the gym but I've got a treadmill a barbell a dumbell and some weights. Just tryna do what I can with that. I really wish I could have a personal trainer.
@jenur You can post on this sub for form checks r/formcheck for exercises

But honestly all the things you are looking for like success stories, low cal high protein food ideas, and tips are already existing in this sub if you sift through some threads!