Saturday’s workout opinions wanted


New member
16kg4x5 2A c&p, bent rows, double rack squat, 50# 1A swing, ab wheel followed by S&S then 30 minutes on elliptical. Was a great workout but I feel I could do more. Total time 1:01:17.16. Have a swinging Sunday y’all!
@kruise Not entirely sure. This was my first attempt at an all bell routine. 30 years of barbells and I just feel like this may not have been enough. Perhaps I just bounce up to 20kgs.
@kruise Deadlifts, squats, bench, Pendelay rows, shrugs. I guess I feel I’m missing the bench mainly. Guess the only thing to do is add floor presses or push ups to fill that void.
@kruise Oh, gotcha. My deadlift is 405#, squat is 365# and bench 250#. I never had a good bench. And I’ve been thinking of jumping to the 20kg bells recently. I can 2x3 press my 50# bell but swing it for days so was looking at a 75 or 90# just for swings.