Seeking Advice for My Fitness Journey: Meal Plan and Schedule Tips for My New Work Shift


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Hello, fellow Redditors! I hope you're all doing well. I'm reaching out to this wonderful community today seeking advice for my fitness journey. Allow me to share a bit about my background and current situation.

Last year, I was diagnosed with a fatty liver, which served as a wake-up call for me to prioritize my health. I began my journey at 90kg, standing at 5'9" and 29 years old (turned 30 last May 2023). With my doctor's guidance, I started exercising and made significant changes to my diet, such as eliminating white rice, sugary foods, soft drinks, and alcohol.

Within three months, my liver returned to normal, and I continued working out and maintaining my diet. However, due to a loss of income, I fell back into my old habits. I ate without restraint, consumed alcohol again, and reduced my workout frequency. Although my weight remained stable at around 75kg, with occasional fluctuations, I attribute them to stress or other factors. The budget constraints prevented me from following a strict diet.

Thankfully, I recently secured a new job that allows me to continue my fitness journey. My work schedule is from 2:00 p.m to 11:00 p.m . I'm seeking advice specifically regarding meal planning for this kind of schedule. If anyone has experience or expertise in creating a meal plan and schedule that aligns with my work hours, I would greatly appreciate your guidance.

Furthermore, I have the flexibility to spend ample time at the gym, so any workout recommendations or tips to maximize my gym sessions would also be incredibly helpful.

Thank you in advance to anyone who can assist me in creating a schedule and meal plan tailored to my fitness journey. Your support and advice mean a lot to me. Let's motivate and inspire each other on this path to better health!
@codename82 Hey there. We're in the same boat with diagnosis and necessary increase in fitness activity & dietary change.

Don't beat yourself up because you went back to old habits after losing your income. It happened to me after exhausting my EF when I quit my job (different story, I know).

Congrats on the new job! 2:00pm - 11:00pm is tricky, is it a WFH job or office job? It would be easier to incorporate your fitness habits again if its WFH, regardless here's what I can suggest and what is suggested and agreed upon with my doctor;

Active movement

Active-movement wise: Don't go back to the same intensity you left off. You gained weight, you are not the same person as you were when you lost weight 3 or 4 months ago. Gradually work your way up back to the intensity you had. Focus on cardio and/or aerobics first. Zumba does wonders, Leslie Sansone videos are great too. Jump rope worked for me best. 10lbs kettle bell for the occassional weights.

Its best to do your fitness activity after your breakfast or before the start of your shift and do a low-intensity workout after work.


Low-salt is the key for us fatty liver people. Avail a meal prep from a business in your area for a month and learn what and how they prep while you're at it.

Orrrr, if you follow the dietitian Jo Sebastian on Social Media she advocates for "add, don't restrict" so incorporating something as simple as (frozen then) steamed vegetables on your meals or snacks is better than not having any form of vegetables haha.

I sort of follow a diet at daytime, but since I work at night, I personally do 1 cup rice (subjective haha), 100g/150g of vegetables, 1 or 2 hard boiled eggs as my snack/meal. That covers carbs, fiber, and protein.

ALSO, Green Tea! Or any tea in fact! Twinings cold infused tea are great if you still want to taste something sweet while maintaining the health benefits of tea. If you prefer coffee, its best to learn how to drink it black.


Don't overdo it. Listen to your body. Rest, rest, rest. Rest on weekends. Create/follow a low-intensity workout routine on days you're just not feeling it.

Good luck friend!