Setting my activity factor


New member
Hello everyone

I’m trying to calculate my TDEE and I’m not sure what number to choose on the activity factor I’ll write down what do I do in my daily routine.

I’m postpartum so I take care of my baby all day but I don’t do chores at all at home because I have someone that does it for me so I’m just sitting all day just feeding, changing diaper , showering my baby , and I shower.

And additional to that 4 days a week I work out ( 2 strength and 2 cardio) about 30 minutes they are not very intense as I’m healing my DR

The steps i put in a day are about 2-3 k

Am I considered lightly active or sedentary?
@turbocountry Do you own a tracker such as fitbit, garmin, galaxy, apple watch? In that case I would set to sedentary then track activity to see how much you burn. It's not going to be perfectly accurate but I found it the most useful. Also the most depressing. Especially the nike training app workouts that are 30min long, feel like hard work but seem to only burn about 100-150cal.

If you are breastfeeding that makes it more complicated as well. I understand that the volume of milk produced per day (about 700mL to 1L once established) SHOULD equal about 500cal of energy, and that it must come from somewhere. But my tracking must have just been inaccurate because once I lost the actual baby, placenta and amniotic fluid weight, unfortunately breastfeeding seemed to not help me at all.
@turbocountry I would say sedentary for that low of steps and short workouts.

I walk 8-12k steps a day, lift weights 4x a week (45-60 mins), 1 zone 3 cardio day per week and i put moderately active, even then my TDEE says I should maintain around 2100 which actually is a slight surplus for me.