Should I buy 20kg or 24kg if I mainly just do swings?

@iowa52241 I'm 6'0, 195 and 68 years old. I'm not nearly as strong as you. But I'm currently swinging a 60lb bell 8 reps per set, for 30 sets. Slowly working my way up to higher weights. 24kg won't be heavy enough for swings.
@iowa52241 24kg. I was where you are when I bought my first kettlebell, bought a 16kg, and it definitely wasn't heavy enough. You can get a lot of mileage out of the 24 kg Bell. Look up the 10,000 kettlebell swing challenge.
@iowa52241 I’m going to go against the trend here and say 24 kg will put a lot of work in for you.

It starts getting easy to swing 2h for ever minute on the minute? Single hand. That’s easy? Jerks and snatches.

I’m sure a heavier weight would be fine, but don’t think tossing around 50 lbs is a waste of time vs 70 lbs.
@iowa52241 Yeah 24kg minimum, but with those stats and size I'd say you want to get a 32kg as well. You'll outgrow the 24kg real quick. 24kg is like your warmup weight once you have the swing technique down.
@iowa52241 Depends what you wanna do.
If you wanna do mainly swings but learn even c&j and snatches buy a competition kb 20kg and then another 20 when you learn techniques (it’s 40 in total), if you totally want to just swing you can just buy an hardstyle 32kg… but it’s hard to learn well technique with an heavy bell so buy a 20 and then a 32 imo or, if you really wanna just one, pick a 28kg hardstyle, that’s can work too.

24 is a weight that is a bit in between, seems good when you still have to learn but after few session you understand that is a bit too much to learn techniques and too light to srsly swing
@iowa52241 I don't know how big or small you are, nor your level of strength. There's no one-size-fits-all.

But I'd say that a 20 or 24 will feel quite easy very soon for swings. If you are below average strong, go with a 28
Otherwise get a 32.

Edit: Sorry, I didn't read your stats. Just go for a 32 (or heavier).