Should I change anything in my workout?


New member
I just started working out again after 3 months break.
Had a couple questions concerning my workout. My workouts are:
Day 1: chest and tricep
-Bench press 4 sets x4-8 reps
-Smith incline bench 3 sets x 6-12 reps
-Dips 3 sets of max reps
-cable flies 3 x 6-12
-triceps rope pushdown 3 x 6-12
-DB lateral raise 3 x 8-12
-Hammer curls 3 x 8-12
Day 2: back and bicep
-Barbell row 4 sets x 6-12
-One arm pulldown 3 x 6-10
-one arm cable row 3 x 6-10
-Lat pullover 3 x 6-12
- hammer rope 3 x 8-12
-cable rear delt 3 x 6-10
-triceps cable kickback 3 x 6-12
Day 3 shoulder abs
-Military press 4 x 6-10
-face pull 3 x 6-10
-cable reverse fly 3 x 6-10
-lateral raise 3x 8-12
-cable rear delt 3 x 6-10
And abs

Do this two times a week

I include one bicep and tricep exercise in chest/back for more arm growth. I know it’s but not training legs but I will include it later. Any advice on anything I should change to hit more variety of muscles? Any tips on my schedule is appreciated. I’m specifically wondering about doing bench press, dips, and incline bench press the same workout. Are one arm cable rows and pull downs good compared to the traditional way? These are my main concerns, but if you see any other flaws please address them. Thank you
Disclaimer: English is not my mother tongue
The text came out bad, as I copy pasted it from my post from another subreddit, but I hope you’re able to understand my routine even so.