Should I cut of bulk?

@dinafrancis My father’s side are average height, but my mother’s are really tall, even my cousin needed to take meds or stuff to reduce his growth. So I’d say I’ll probably be around 6’0 not much more or less
@blueskies88 Meds to reduce growth?? That's a new one and sounds really odd.

But if you're thinking 6'0, then maybe just look to maintain your weight for a bit and grow into it some. At 6'0 you'll wanna be a bit heavier than you are now, so eventually you'll wanna eat more. You'll likely just get hungrier as you body grows.

But to optimize growth, you wouldn't want to be cutting. So maintain weight, eat high protein and nutritious foods and let your body grow!
@blueskies88 I would just work on eating healthy and maintain at the moment. Once you start noticing some height change, just eat a little extra. 200-300 calories if anything. But really, I wouldn't put too much focus into bulking. Just eat healthy and listen to your body.

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