Should I eat 1200cal or more...or less?


New member
Hi, I am currently trying to lose weight, I have calculated my daily intake for weight loss and I see very different results.

I am 28f height148cm Weight 63kg body fat percentage (according to my mi fit watch and scale) 42%

Height 1.61yd. Weight 138.8 pound

I am sedentary (trying to fit running in my schedule but still not an habit)

I get these kind of results from different websites:

Tdee calculator:
Maintenance 1391
Cutting 891

Maintenance 1391
Fat loss 1100
Maintain weight 1500
Mild weight loss 1262
Weight loss 1012

Project invictus
Maintain 1379
Cut 1079

What do you think is the most appropriate?

And what about macros?
I see that most studies suggest 0.7–0.9 grams of protein per pound of body weight (1.6–2.0 grams per kg) but this would mean (on a 1200 cal budget)
37% prot 444cal 111gr
23% fat 276cal
40% carb 480cal

Is this reasonable?

Thank you very much for reading and for your help!
@voxmelancholiae None of those. TDEE calculators don’t work well for petite folks.

Maintain (and really maintain, not go below) a small/moderate deficit, as small of a deficit as you can. Focus on strength training and prioritize protein. Progress won’t be overnight but will be more sustainable than eating that little.
@emotionallydrainedout I suspected that! Do you think that 1391cal as my "maintain" goal is appropriate? I did 1400 cal for the last 3weeks and I lost...maybe...0.5kg but not really sure. I could try 1300 and see what happens.
Thank you for the tip
@voxmelancholiae If you don't know your (approximate) TDEE, I can't recommend the r/MacroFactor app enough. I've used it about 6 months and it's really accurate. You log what you eat, log your weight, and the algorithm will tell you what your TDEE from day to day based on those numbers.

It will also recommend how many calories to eat based on how fast you want to lose weight and suggest macros based on your goals.

TDEE is incredibly variable, so no one here can tell you what yours is for sure. However, the app takes the guesswork out of it. I think it was $50 or $60 for a year, but it's worth it IMO. (I'm not a rep or anything; I just like it. It taught me that I could eat a lot more than I thought I could as a petite woman.) The support on their subreddit is also really responsive.

Otherwise, Ifogmuux is right. If you don't use an app or anything, it's basically trial and error, and online calculators aren't great for petite folks like us.

ETA: regarding protein, I aim for 1g/lb of bodyweight. I would not go below this if you're in a deficit, because more protein means you'll keep more of your muscle. Carbs and fat don't matter as much, so long as your fats don't dip below about .3g/ lb of bodyweight.
@zaraki Thank you! I will try it, i live in europe and i am using yazio at the moment because it has a lot of the local food and recipe in the database, but I will try that nonetheless
@voxmelancholiae I hope it helps! I'm in Europe, too. I haven't seen Yazio but I'll check it out. Personally, I use Cronometer to track my food because they have a website I find more convenient. Then I log the calories into Macrofactor.

You don't have to use MacroFactor's food tracker. You just need the sum total of calories you eat, and your weight, for the algorithm to estimate your TDEE.
@voxmelancholiae Weight loss became simpler for me when I started hitting 1400cal. I feel better, stronger and am seeing progress much faster. I also am getting in as much protein as I possibly can (which isn't always easy).

Less isn't always more. Sometimes more is more. In my case, it was.
@voxmelancholiae Ouff. I mean, given your height - 1200 might actually be about right? But frankly speaking just count the calories for a few days using your normal portion sizes, a food scale and the Chronometer app. You will see what your actual baseline is (if you’re not losing or gaining weight - this average calorie intake is your maintenance). You can work from there by cutting eg 100-150 calories every day. The thing with such low calorie limits is that you will need to give a fair bit of thought to meal planning so you meet your dietary requirements for microelements. Stock up on green leafy veg - good luck.
@voxmelancholiae I don’t know. But I will say people’s reflexive reaction to comment “1,200 is not enough” is an unsupported one size fits all thing that does not account for petite people I think.

I think it could be reasonable, I’m quite full at that amount and not in “starvation mode”. Your body will tell you if you need more food 😘
@rodneys No, listen to your body, not an estimated number. If I eat 1,200 and feel full, I’m apparently starving because it’s not the number the internet tells me to eat? It’s just delusion-ally anal. You use science to understand reality, not overwrite reality.

Ex: You acknowledge that you feel a certain way, but then you say: no I cannot feel this way. Science says so! That makes sense to you?

Calories are just an estimate, there is no size fits all. You should listen to your actual body, and a simplified model of what your body needs is only a guide. No one has all the answers about what works best for YOU but you. Mind blowing, I know.
@tovagulet Please stop giving bad advice. This is against the rules of this sub for a reason. It would also help if instead of being passive aggressive and needlessly rude, you actually read what I said.

I didn’t say no one can eat under 1200 ever. I said any diet under 1200 needs to be supervised by a doctor. This is because it is extremely difficult to get all of the nutrients in that your body needs in order to properly function when you’re at less than 1200 calories. That’s why you have to work with a doctor—they need to monitor for nutrient deficiencies. Just because you feel fine doesn’t mean you aren’t nutrient deficient. I thought I was fine at 1100 calories until all my hair fell out my nails broke off and my liver shut down I and ended up in the hospital. Stop giving bad advice and calling people delusional just because you’re extremely uneducated about nutritional and biology
@rodneys The only advice I gave was to listen to your body, is promoting intuitive eating is against the rules? I gave zero advice on how many calories to eat, as I think that’s something to figure out for yourself and I don’t believe in telling others how many calories to eat, as I said. The only one talking about eating under 1200 calories is you.

Clearly, you did not read what I said. I’m not uneducated, no need to get angry and start insulting me. Relax. :)
@tovagulet Your comment literally says “I will say people ms reflexive reaction to comment 1200 is not enough is an unsupported one size fits all thing that doesn’t not account for petite people”.
Your comment literally says “I will say people ms reflexive reaction to comment 1200 is not enough is an unsupported one size fits all thing that doesn’t not account for petite people”. This statement is false. Petite people still need more calories than that unless they are being medically supervised for a very low calorie diet. You’re also advocating for intuitive eating to someone who is trying to lose weight. Intuitive eating is NOT for weight loss. That’s the most basic principles of intuitive eating. There’s no reason for you to say it’s okay for petite people to eat under 1200 calories. I know you’re tying to help, but I didn’t insult you. I’m saying your comments are uneducated because they are. I will not engage in this further.
@tovagulet I agree with you. I honestly hate when people say absolutely don’t go under 1200 a day cause you won’t get all your nutrients. I mean you can eat 2000 a day and not get all your nutrients or you can eat 1100 calories a day of very healthy food and get what you need. It’s like people latched on to that number and won’t let it go. It’s very different for women who are very petite. In the end, my physician told me.. nothing is worse for your health than being overweight so don’t listen to people about it being so unhealthy to eat under 1200 calories a day. What’s important is the quality of the food you put in your body and not eating more than you burn.
@tovagulet Thank u for the answer...i know i will feel hungry in the first period surely and I am a glutton person (not english native, not sure about the word) so I tend to eat just for the sake of taste. Hope that more protein and controlled food intake will help with this.