Should I eat right after my fasted cardio session or wait for a bit?

I've been doing fasted cardio for about a week 'n a bit now, I wake up, drink an honest amount of water, then go for a run (closer to low-intensity steady state, I'm not sprinting but my heart's definitely pumping). To get the maximum alleged benefits, should I eat immediately after I finish my session or wait longer before brekky?
@imwrongyourrightyouwin So long as you’re getting your nutrients and macros in generally, timing doesn’t matter so much. Your body isn’t immediately using those anyway due to digestion time. Some people get overly worked up about exact timing but it isn’t so critical as just getting good food and water, exercise, and rest on a regular basis that works best for your life and how you feel. I’m guessing you’ll get contrasting advice here but whatever you choose should be what feels the best for you while hitting the main points.

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