Should I feel disappointed in my back squat abilities?


New member
So a few things about me going into this. I am 34 Male, 6’1” 168lbs. I feel like I have hit a wall with my progress. My current routine has me doing

12 x 75 ( for warmup)

12 x 125

10 x 135

9 x 145

6 x 165

Each week this is a struggle I can get them out but the exertion rating is practically failure. I just feel weak to the point where I get mad at myself. Like why can I not push past this.
@supersammy Is there a specific reason why you put so much volume to the lower weight reps? Plenty of fatigue on your body by the time you get to the heavy lifts.

When was the last time you deloaded for a week and took it easy? Changed up your rep scheme? Once you hit an absolute wall don’t just keep banging your head against the wall every single week, basically just doing a poor peak over and over again. Take your weights down by a few increments and start building back up to break through that plateau
@anonymous18 Honestly, there isn’t a particular reason. I use an app called GainsAI that pretty much creates/keeps track of my routine. I am just doing what it tells me more or less. Not to say what it is telling me is right being a complete beginner I was struggling to find a good routine.

Part of the reason why I use this app is it lets me select what equipment I have available to me a lot of stuff I was finding online was for either full gym access or dumbbell only. So it was hard to find the exact one if that makes sense.
@supersammy Why can't you add weight to progress past your sticking point? What does your program tell you to do in order to make progress? If you're able to add weight as your program says but it's just difficult to lift the weight that isn't necessarily an issue, lifting is hard

I can't comment on your program's effectiveness because I haven't tried it but I personally wouldn't want to smash out so many low weight reps before getting to my working weight

Some programs that definitely work are below, I'm currently running 531 FSL but have run BBB beefcake and Building the Monolith before with good results
@theadmiral I am looking at the 531 for beginners now. Just curious do you see an issue with replacing the overhead press with seated overhead press. I am limited on overhead space in the area I workout
@supersammy Seems like a tremendous amount of reps with the lower weight warming up for your working set. I like that you progressively add the weight, that is how I’ve been taught to do it but I think you’re gassing yourself out before your working sets.

This is how I do my squat sets

Just the bar x 6rep

95lb x 6rep

135 x 3rep

185 x 3rep

225 x 1rep

3 or 4 Working sets of 225 for 6-8 reps. When I hit 8 reps of all working sets I’ll increase weight by 5 lbs total.
@esperanza20 I would say i start feeling it around the end of the 9 x 145 like the last 1 or 2 reps of that set are a bit of a struggle. the entire set of 6 x 165 are rough I can get them out but i would say I am close to failure by the 6 maybe can squeeze in one more rep.
@supersammy For beginner/intermediate lifters with decent form, I always recommend the Candito 6 week strength program. You do 2 cycles of this and you will absolutely add weight to your Squat, Bench Deadlift. The app “Boostcamp” has a free template that you can input and track your workouts. Give it a try!
@supersammy Try more of a hypertrophy workout.
I’m 170lbs, 34M and 5’9. I squat about 225 at 3x5.
I usually do 115 warmup for a max of 10 reps
Then go into my working sets.
135lbs 1x6-8 reps
155lbs 1x6-8 reps
175lbs 1x6-8 reps
This is just an example.
You’re doing a lot of reps but not too much weight.