Sister, 30yo, seated for 7 years, wants to get into K-Pop dance. Where to begin?


New member
Hi friends,

My little sisters, who is almost 30 yo, has been working from her home, seated, for 7 years. She didn't workout in that time, and she's getting slowly into Yoga to feel better and start her journey.

Where would one start to get her body ready for such activity?

I am into bodybuilding so I cannot really give her good advices.

Does she need one day cardio, one day muscle building, some full body HIITs? Are there any programs / apps that are suited for this purpose/journey?

About the diet, should she focus on more prot or more carbs?

Thanks a lot and have a good day
@waynek I would start by training endurance and building some muscle. With muscle I don't mean training weights the way you do (few reps high weight) but more reps and being able to hold a position steadily. Dancing requires body control, so a strong core would also be beneficial on top. Yoga will help her with flexibility, which is also good, since you don't want your movements to look stiff. But any type of prep will only get her so far, it's best to just start the dancing and then identify where she is lacking as she goes.