Skinny fat (135 lbs) to skinny and toned (127 lbs) (2011-2018)


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I’ve always been skinny. In high school, I literally ate three lunches and came home and ate a rice bowl with sesame oil and sugar in it for a snack before dinner. My metabolism slowed down a bit growing older and in college (2011-2015) I was at my heaviest at around 135-138 lbs. Very skinny fat. I didn’t exercise and ate what I wanted.

Post-college, I didn’t like the way I looked so cut my calories to 1300 and did some cardio/bodypump. Weighed in around 123 lbs, however I had very little definition.

Starting in 2016 I did more actual weight-lifting and ate more. I gained more mass, however I didn’t eat enough protein.

Mid-2017 is when I felt like I started becoming satisfied with my body. The most important thing I did was up my protein intake!! I bought my first protein powder and drank it every day I went to the gym (about 4x a week).

This year, I’m focusing on my upper body and I’m maintaining at around 127 lbs. I’m suffering from a hamstring tendon injury from overdoing myself at yoga, but my goal previously was my flexibility and yoga practice.


Nowadays, I’m honestly not too sure what my calorie consumption is. I basically try to aim for an average of 100g of protein a day and eat more fats and avoid simple carbs which make me feel bloated. Typical days diet:


2 eggs fried in coconut oil

1 japanese sweet potato or chia seed pudding (1 scoop soy protein, 3 tbsp chia seeds, ½ cup plant milk, ½ cup water, ½ tbsp of blueberry jam, 2 tbsp of dried blueberries)


½ large bag of flaming hot puff cheetos

1 cup of watermelon


Typical family-style chinese meal which consists of 1 broth soup, two-three stir-fried or pickled vegetable dishes, 1 meat dish maybe. I usually don’t eat rice.


I like to eat chinese style dried fruits, like candied kumquat or salted sour plum, and typically eat 2-3 japanese hard candies throughout the day. I drink a lot of unsweetened chinese and japanese tea throughout the day.

Protein Shake:

2 servings of MyProtein soy protein isolate, ½ cup of unsweetened flax milk, 1 cup of water, 1 scoop of Great Lakes Collagen powder, 1 serving of Bulk Supplements BCAAs. ~ 300 calories/60g protein.

This pretty much tastes like crap, but I’m used to it now. I had originally bought the brown rice powder from MyProtein which TASTES LIKE ABSOLUTE SH*T, so comparatively this is way better.


I typically do a combination of cardio, yoga, and lifting. Last month I stopped all weight-lifting and did hot yoga 6x a week and although my upper body and shoulders look BOMB, I got hamstring tendonitis from that because I wasn’t resting adequately and was overstretching. Now I’m just doing weight-lifting and cardio because of my injury. I don’t follow a program. I’ve seen templates, but honestly I”m not about structured workouts. I just go to the gym and do what I want to do and try to keep it challenging. I generally aim for high-volume exercises over heavy weight. I try to do weight-lifting 2-3 days a week and LISS cardio 3-5 days a week. I usually start with LISS and pick out 3-4 exercises from the list below:

Romanian deadlift 110 lbs 4 x 8

Single-leg romanian deadlift 50 lbs 4 x 8

Bulgarian split-squat 45 lbs 4 x 8

Skullcrushers 35 lbs 4 x 8

Lat pull-downs 80 lbs 4 x 10

Lateral raises 5 x 8

Seated cable row 90 lbs 4 x 10

Benchpress 75 lbs 5 x5

Incline dumbell benchpress 25 lbs each 4 x 8

Seated band hip abduction 3 x 30 reps

Lateral band walk 3 x 30 reps

Hip thrusts 125lbs 4 x 8

Then I usually finish off a session with a simple vinyasa flow and 20 min of light stretching and some yoga inversions I’m practicing like headstands or side crow.


My goals are performance based rather than aesthetics since I’ve pretty much achieved my aesthetic goals. I don’t really care for weightlifting that much, but it’s what I can do while I heal from my hamstring injury. I want to get back to yoga and I’m really sad because I just got my splits and was working on my standing splits right before the injury. Hopefully I’m able to get back in this by the end of the year!
@safethusfar Thank you for sharing your recomp-ish story! It's been an encouraging reminder to me. I've gained muscle over the past year, and although my pants are a little tight, I look leaner in the mirror. Bodies are complicated machines, and muscles are awesome.

Also weird coincidence: I've stayed in that hotel with the balcony in your last photo. The hotel where the pool used to be a government training shooting range!
@safethusfar You look awesome and lucky that you're 5'10.

I love that you aren't structured with your workouts! But I'm back on Strong Curves cause if there is no structure then I'll just hang on some cardio machine for a solid 60 minutes
@safethusfar First, you look AWESOME! Congrats on your hard work! Also, thank you so much for sharing your routine in this level of detail. It’s super informative and helpful!
@safethusfar Thank you for being honest about your food!!

I'll have like half a cup of skittles with my lunch some times 😂 so it's nice to see I'm not the only one!

You look great keep up the good work!
@trifo No way. Before I started yoga I couldn't even touch my toes. I've been doing yoga for about two years now, probably seriously practicing for 1 year (going 2-3x a week before my injury) and thats made the biggest difference. I found that a lot of people focus on their hamstring flexibility when doing splits but I think it's just as important to work the entire posterior chain focusing on lower back and hip. Ive also incorporated a little bit of time to stretching everday (15 min). Sometimes I just chill in lizard or pigeon pose when I'm browsing the internet. YouTube has some good and quick follow along stretch routines!
@dawn16 I used to not eat breakfast and now I absolutely cannot NOT eat breakfast. I feel more awake in the mornings and since my breakfasts generally contain a lot of fiber I don't feel hungry until later in the day.
@safethusfar You look great.

I’m skinny fat too and the exact same height and at your start weight right now. I’m starting at the gym today and this post has really inspired me, thank you!!
@tonycbrook Good luck!!! It's a long haul so don't stress out if you don't see results right away. It's been like three years since I began my fitness journey and am only now at my goals.
@safethusfar Thank you! I’ve been browsing fitness threads trying to find someone who looks the same as me so I am so pleased to see your amazing results!

My god! I’ve just come back from the gym and it’s safe to say I have a long journey haha I did a HIIT class and wanted to vomit at one point!
However, I’m excited to change my lifestyle and get fit and healthy.

Did you start changing your diet as soon as you started working out? Did you find it hard? I know diet is super important.
@tonycbrook My diet slowly evolved overtime. Tbh, I ate pretty healthily and I didn't change any of the actual foods I eat. Biggest changes were incorporating breakfast, incoprotating protein powder, and having to adjust how much I ate quantity-wise. I just ate too much and too often. This was mostly because I would eat too quickly and my brain didn't get a chance to send the signal that I'm full. Or I snacked a lot out of boredom.

Part of the reason why I snack for lunch is because it allows me to slowly munch and satisfy my need to eat something out of boredom.