Slip up for a week and also want to improve in general


New member
I (25 f , 128lbs , 5,3 , phd student that does 5000 steps a day) have been working out for 8 weeks now ( strength training + cardio) 3 to 4 times a week while lonely being on a calorie deficit. However this past week I’ve been feeling sick b and also visiting my friends and really didn’t work out more than 2 times or east very well ( went over 700 calories for the whole week) how bad is this in terms of progress and how do I recover and also b improve my calorie deficit /working out ( because even before the slip up I wasn’t very strict with my deficit) would love to hear opinions and suggestions
@jcnirfriends You didn't slip. You lived your life. And a happy one at that - some people don't have friends to catch up with and share meals with.

Best thing is to write a post on Reddit, then get back to it. And continue to visit your friends at times.

You are a phD student who is obviously very intelligent and doing something to benefit our planet, we don't need perfect health or fitness from you. We need a great phD from you.
@jcnirfriends Hello! I am also 5’3, 28, and a PhD candidate. The week means nothing in the grand scheme of things, because it’s just life happening. You’re going to be sick, you’re going to go on vacation - you just get back in the saddle and work at it. Trying to compensate, or ruminating over the week will only hinder you.

One thing that’ll help will be picking a deficit that isn’t horrible. It’s ok as a petite to just choose a half lb deficit of 250 cals rather than something speedier so you’re less miserable (especially since you’re already at a good weight). If you’re not doing too hot with the more aggressive deficits, think of the goal not being to eat as little as possible, but rather to eat as much as possible and adjust down. I would look at the 1500isplenty subreddit for inspiration.

It’s also helpful to meal plan, figuring out balanced meals with protein, fiber, healthy fats within your calorie goals. In terms of exercise, a walking pad can be a great asset. I get a lot of steps in a day, but I pace to relax. Podcasts are great.
@aprile Thanks you for the suggestion!! That’s very help full! As someone who has not really been active for 23 years and recently started working out especially during grad school it’s kind of difficult to figure out what really works. Especially when god and socializing is a good part of not being miserable with finishing my degree haha
@jcnirfriends Yeah I totally understand. I was never athletic growing up until I was 17 when I decided to be as thin as possible (was a bad plan), then gained, then started losing around the completion of my masters, redeveloped some mental issues with food, then got better again. Now I finally feel pretty comfortable with exercise and diet, part of it being to let go of the idea I had to be as lean as possible and instead concentrate on healthier habits that are much more sustainable. I also lost a little weight because relaxing stopped the tendency I had to restrict severely then overreat.

The other thing is, give it time. Whether you’re trying to recomp or lose weight, this is a slow process, just like the dissertation.