Smelly gas


New member
This isn’t my proudest post haha but I need some help.

I have no idea what could be causing my smelly gas and some mild intestinal distress.

Any one have any thoughts on what it could be? Here is some info. I have been trying to g to narrow it down
  • I have been trying to increase my protein intake since January which is around when I noticed it. I have been drinking the Orgain plant based chocolate shakes for years with no issues. I have one of those in the morning and usually another protein powder, bar or shake in the evening. I have tried changing up the protein supplements but I can’t find it linked to one in particular. Usually eat between (100-115 G protein, I weigh 130).
  • I have been taking creatine for like 8 months. I have tried both the HCL and mono. I was thinking it might be the mono but on days where I only have the HCL I notice it too
  • I use various preworkouts
  • Probiotics and magnesium don’t seem to help
  • I drink a good about of water (at least 4 L a day)
  • I have been vegan for 15 years
  • I eat a lot of fiber but I have for like the past 10 years so idk why that would be the cause all of a sudden
Any suggestions? Me and the others in my home would be forever grateful for a solution!
@fineandfaith if you've been consistently taking the same probiotics, you might need to change it up. Kombucha or anything with active cultures seems like a good start. We ferment berries at home and are pretty pleased with those
@fineandfaith I mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a cup of water and drink before every meal. It's a game changer. I was very, very gassy, and this has been incredibly helpful.
@fineandfaith Do any of the protein shakes/powders have sorbitol, erythritol, or stevia? They can cause GI distress if you are particularly sensitive to it. I have to use unflavored protein powder for this reason since it’s almost impossible to find a protein supplement without these 3 ingredients (or monk fruit, which tastes terrible) in it.
@fineandfaith It sounds like there's definitely a relationship between increased protein sources and what you are experiencing. Maybe try reducing your protein intake and gradually rebuilding? I appreciate protein but you can get comparable gains with less, IMO. Also intermittent fasting (even at 12-16 hours daily) might give your system a bit of a break to process whatever it's working through.
@fineandfaith Bananas and avocados do this to my tummy. I bought the Orgain at Costco not dreaming that a shelf stable drink would have bananas, but it did and gives me tummy ache and flatulence.
@fineandfaith This is only anecdotal, but I started upping my protein, for the first time in my life, 8 weeks ago and I had 4-6 weeks of smelly gas, but no discomfort. Hopefully yours goes away too.

I got back on the daily dozen food list after the first few weeks of trying to figure out how to eat so much protein. Not sure if that is what cleared it up or it was just timing.
@fineandfaith Our gut gas comes from bacteria inside us fermenting complex sugars we do not have the enzymes to digest. These bacteria make mostly methane (a flammable, odorless gas) than can get mixed with often sulphurous organic compounds to make memorable farts. I will check out the apple cider vinegar appetizer to deal with gas, and you can also check out for the same enzymes as Beano for half the price, with a vegan formula.
@fineandfaith A doctor told me that this is because gut microbiome population increase. These are the good germs. If you hold your poo for a long time, the population of these microbiome increases making the gas more powerful so you can smell them more than ever.
Don’t worry, it is not a bad thing.

Generally police officers have these types of problems due to nature of work.
@vex Thanks. I eat a good amount of fiber and drink a lot of water. On top of the gas my stomach is rumbling and uncomfortable and I am feeling like I have to go to the restroom super frequently. I am very “regular” but this is excessive lol
@fineandfaith Maybe there is a little bit of indigestion before the gut system got used to new things you may have added to the diet. The rumbling make sense here.
Go slow. Have a light diet for a day or two. Rice and bread type of carbs. Sleep in. Let the gut relax before it goes to work again. Monday would be better:)
@fineandfaith It might be worth adding a fibre supplement for a couple of days. If you find it helps, you have your answer. I find I have to take a psyllium fibre supplement when I up my protein shake intake.
@fineandfaith Protein powders will digest very quickly and I would assume that is a factor. I like orgain too but stopped drinking them (just including them in baked recipes) and I haven't had this issue in forever. Try swapping the powders for whole food proteins for a week or two as an experiment and see if that improves it.