So many women want to lift weights without getting bulky, but how many of us here *do* want to lift weights and get bigger?

@rjfares Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!!! Me too!!! Not only because she is sexy AF, but she's also my height!!! It's hard to find good looking fitness models that are taller for inspiration :( at least for me, maybe I'm picky..
@rjfares No no don't worry about that!! Now I feel bad lol. She's 5'8 apparently. Usually fitness models that I really like are anywhere from 5'1 to 5'6 tops so I was really excited by her - it's mostly because she has a lot of mass on her lower body but also has long legs and still looks proportional - I hardly see women around my height that look fuller like she does. Being shorter rocks though, I'm super jealous - it seems easier to put on mass and everything :( I feel lanky sometimes.. There's a reason why the perfect height is around 5'4... :)
@biblicalquality Oooh, me, meeeee! :D If someone ever came up with a scientifically-backed program to be like the She-Hulk, I'd do it. I only worry about fat (as in higher body fat %). Otherwise, I'm not big on aesthetics and would be totes cool with extra muscle and super strength.
@martin50538 Oh shit yes this. "But men won't like it!" I don't want just any man, if I want a dude at all I want one that's into me for me, not because I tried to fit this idea of what dudes like.
@biblicalquality I follow both those girls on instagram, what inspirations! I personally just want to get stronger and bigger, I don't have a specific body goal in mind. Of course I wouldn't mind looking like them, but I'm OK if I never get there, either.
@biblicalquality Meeeeeeee! This is basically my eventual goal:
I love my muscles, even if I get comments that I look "manly" or whatever. I don't care. I love being strong, and for the first time in my life I'm doing something physical where I can set goals, hit them, and that makes me incredibly happy.
@biblicalquality Yeeees, mee! Those women have such beautiful bodies. I'm don't think I'll ever make it there though, I just don't think I can commit to it, and I'm ok with that. What I really want for my body is for my gut to be flat and muscles that obviously show off my hard work.

When I first started committing to the gym I was more interested in the number on the scales. Now it's become more about the number I'm lifting. I find the eating side of it is really hard to get under control! But I LOVE that my body is getting stronger and harder. I would love to look like my own version of those women, not sure whether I'll get there or not but I really enjoy trying!

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