Sometimes I think I should stop working out! (But I won’t)


New member
I started my journey last June at 256 with calorie counting and walking daily 6-8k steps getting about 3k at work and standing /cleaning at my food retail job. I went down to 215 in November and I’ve been “stuck” here ever since. Coincidentally, November was also the time I started the gym. My goal is appearance I just want to look lean and fit. I’m a true beginner at the gym with zero experience and was getting so stoked hearing about beginners advantages but I haven’t experienced much difference in terms of size. I try not to fixate on the scale and my clothes fit slightly looser but I haven’t gone down a size since joining the gym.. people say to go off pics, clothes, measurements but it’s all been the same. Sometimes I don’t feel confident in my calories and getting from 256 to 215 was a struggle. I tried various things like fasting, omad which did work but didn’t seem long term and didn’t feel too healthy for me. I’m constantly wondering if I’m eating the right calories because the lovely tdee calculators are all different and I question my activity level because I’ve heard “don’t overestimate your activity! But don’t undereat!” I’m also concerned that I should be doing a “body recomp” and eating slightly under maintenance but I haven’t been losing anything this way either. I feel so stuck and I was so motivated in the beginning but sometimes I feel so lost and confused with all the info out there. I do feel my arm muscles more and feel like I can definitely walk/jog longer and faster than last year which is great but it wasn’t my goal. I just really wanna see some change so I often think of not lifting anymore and just focus on what I did at first with just walking but then I’d lose the little muscle I did put on right? I think adding strength training calories has been really hard to determine and put me in a really confused state. I go 4-5 times a week with one hour of lifting and 20 min of walking. I try my best as a beginner but there’s no activity level for trying your best unfortunately.. lol so here I am trying to figure it all out and determine how intense Im lifting. I don’t follow a program because they seem too advanced so I do the same exercises every week that I assume is a lower and upper split. I’m just not sure what to do anymore. I’m toughing it out and staying consistent still but I’m not as hyped as I was when I started because I’m not seeing any results and as you can see I’m overthinking every little thing.
@tenayshus Congrats on the 45lb loss!!

Ultimately, if your goal is fat loss, you need to eat in a calorie deficit. If you haven't seen any change in the past 5-6 months on the scale, with measurements, or photos, then you're not eating in a calorie deficit.

Have you been tracking your calories? If not, you should do that to at least have awareness of where you are. Then you'll need to decrease those calories to see the scale move down.

You shouldn't try to add back in exercise calories. It is very inaccurate to guess how much you burn during exercise. Weight training doesn't burn much, and a 20 minute walk isn't burning much either.

I recommend checking out the r/fitness wiki page for lots of resources about fitness and weight loss. In particular these might be helpful:
@tenayshus Congrats on the improvement so far! I’ve gotten into the habit of being a 2 meal per day guy and don’t eat anything typically before 11:00. Perhaps the 3 meal day isn’t for everyone. Was never the biggest fan of breakfast anyway. I also had a time where the results were not optimistic and I just stopped tracking everything altogether for the sake of my mental health and it’s freeing. Just try to find that fitness activity that you enjoy and get into a nice schedule. Best of luck!
@grace911 I do two days bottom workout and two upper with 20 minutes of walking 3.0 and one day of walking at 3.5 for 75 minutes.

Leg press 3x15 90lbs -
Lying leg curls 3x10 45 lbs -
Glute bridges with 33 lb weight 3x15 -
Hyperextension 3x10 -
KB around the world 15 lbs 3x10 -
90 degree Leg lifts 3x10

Bicep curl machine 15 lbs 3x10 -
Seated dip machine 45 lbs 3x10 -
Lateral pull down 65 lbs 3x12 -
Lateral reverse 30 lbs 3x10 -
Row machine 45 lbs 3x10 -
Front raises dumbbell 15 lbs 3x10 -
Tricep kickback dumbbell 15 lbs 3x10

For breakfast I always have protein drink and either a Turkey sausage egg white sandwich or Kodiak protein oatmeal with pb and berries

Lunch I either get a chipotle salad with steak or Panda Express with honey shrimp and Kung pow chicken and half veggies half white rice

Sometimes I have dinner with a Turkey cheese sandwich and fruit or a chicken salad or no dinner if my lunch was bigger. My total calories that I eat are about 1500-1800 depending on the day.
@tenayshus Got it. There's a bunch of good stuff here, so I won't dig into each of your individual lifts. It also looks like you should be at a caloric deficit, consuming between 1,500 and 1,800 calories at your current weight.

So acknowledging all of that, I think the best thing you could likely do would be to throw in some HIIT workouts to get your heart rate up a bit. There are a million different ways to approach these, but I'm a big fan of both Tabata and AMRAP formats. Both are exceptionally time efficient, work well for a whole host of different exercises, and scale exceptionally well to all different levels of fitness.
@grace911 Ok I’ve been thinking I need to add more cardio since my fat is a high percentage so that’s why I threw in that Day of just walking but a high impact workout sounds like something I could try. Thank you!
@tenayshus Just for clarification, HIIT stands for high intensity interval training. They are not necessarily high impact workouts, and oftentimes they can be very low impact. Just wanted to be clear about that