Sprint Training vs LISS, help????


New member
Which is “better” for me, sprint training or LISS, low interval steady state (12-3-30 method)?
I’m a little overweight and recovering from a past injury and trying to get back to being fit. My main goal is to lose weight, but gaining muscle and toning up would be a plus. I recently started doing a Couch to 5k in an effort to be a runner, a skill I have NEVER had (28F), but I’m currently 3 weeks in and the longer running intervals are becoming monotonous and are no longer fun for me. More importantly I don’t think my joints can handle it and I’m noticing some pain in my ankles and knees, so idk if I’ll ever be a runner. I normally end my run with a 1 minute sprint and I’ve been finding that my body responds very well to that and the adrenaline really gets me moving and I feel pretty good after.
I’ve read that sprint training is good to help increase speed and strength, but mixed reviews when looking at increases in endurance. I used to regularly do the 12-3-30 method before I hurt myself and it routinely kicked my butt, but in a good way and I noticed that it did help me lose some weight. I’ve read that LISS is good for keeping the metabolism up and your burning for a while after you’re done.
Do you think one is more beneficial than the other? As I’m trying to lose weight is sprint training going to help me or does it not burn enough calories? Would an alternating schedule of both be a good idea???? I tend to do cardio after lifting so both would be after my lifting schedule. I tend to work out at least 5 days a week, 6 or 7 if I can, and my rest day I try to something low impact.

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