Games Event 4 Sprint Couplet: Were some lanes faster than others? /w Stats

@theparadox116 In the TTT video with Max, he was talking about Noah in the sleds and how Noah was usually weaker on these events. Then he says something like

I was really pleased with all the hard work we put in, because Noah was flying and Pat Vellner was really struggling to push the thing.

Really makes ya think.
@theparadox116 Sprint events, in general, aren't really a good test of fitness. It introduces a level of technique and precision that's really beyond the scope of CrossFit IMHO. At least - they should not be used for making huge cuts like they were.

In the Sprint Couplet, as this post notes, individual lanes can have variations that can make a considerable difference. They were on astroturf (afaik) so there should be almost no variation in the field, yet there was. The snatches from the first event were making considerable marks in the field, and the first heat had a lot of athletes that didn't make any snatches - this will mess up some lanes more than others for the sled push.

The obstacle course was even worse, and I'm sure it's been discussed to death here. There were two results in the obstacle course (fortunately both were below the cut line) that used thousandths of a second to determine the score. The entire event was won on hundredths of a second. They did have the athletes perform the workout multiple times, which perhaps means that there's a claim to be made re: consistency, but the scores were varying by several hundredths of a second as the event went on, so I'm not sure that it's a good test. Something as simple as starting out on the left or right leg can put the chip timer over the line before another athlete. An extra half-step accelerating out of the obstacles. The event did not introduce enough of a spread in the scores to be meaningful.
@theparadox116 If the deltas were all similar, you may be onto something here, but they vary so wildly, you can't blame the lane for someone being almost a minute and a half worse than the median when someone in the same lane was a second and a half worse than the median.

You don't have equal competitors among the lanes and you don't have equal strategies among the lanes. This event was a test of sled technique and a little bit of fitness. It was blatantly obvious who understood the physics of the sled and who didn't. If Mat worked a little longer as an engineer, he wouldn't have shoved his sled straight into the ground off the rip like he did.