Squat (and other) form check 2.0


New member

I posted a squat form check last week and got some great feedback, so just wanted to post an update and ask for any more thoughts.

Here’s a higher rep lower weight set. Things I’ve tried to implement include improving depth, widening the feet, bar a bit lower on back, looking further forward (still forget and have to correct this one). I think I’m still running into some issues with my hips moving before my shoulders, but maybe a bit better?

Since I got so much awesome advice before, I’m also going to post videos of my other bigger lifts and would love feedback on any/all of them!

OHP: Romanian deadlift: Deadlift (2 videos): Lat pull-down: https://imgur.com/a/Ah3f5cX
Incline press: https://imgur.com/a/hKGrCXJ

If anyone has time and has advice on these accessories that’s awesome too, but they’re probably a bit more straightforward.
Bent over row: https://imgur.com/a/qKKpQpC
Seated row: https://imgur.com/a/Ah3f5cX
Lateral raise: https://imgur.com/a/NqEgEwQ
Barbell curl: https://imgur.com/a/ZhJvEm6
Rear delt fly: https://imgur.com/a/XxItqHa
@godstruth Squats look good to me. You could get a bit lower and consider bracing before you start the descent but otherwise no glaring issues imo.

OHP looks pretty good- it seems like your hands are a bit far apart on the bar, personally I have them so my forearm is perpendicular to the floor in my start position. Also bracing, and squeezing your thighs and glutes may help create full body tension. It looks like you are moving your head forward during the lift which is correct.

RDLs look good, my only suggestion is to keep the bar as close to you as possible during the movement like you’re dragging it up and down your legs. Also make sure your lats are packed.

Deadlift- same as RDL, think of it like you’re dragging the bar up your legs as you’re pushing the floor away. Your shins should be touching the bar when you start the lift and think about “wedging” into the bar to create tension before you start the lift. Also it looks like you’re not pulling out the slack.

Seated row- looks good, a good cue is to lead with your elbows. Also keep your shoulders down to keep your traps out of the equation.

Incline press looks good, just make sure you’re not flaring your elbows but that might be the angle.

Bent over row is good, a cue I like is to pull the weight toward my hip to hit my lats a bit better.

Lateral raise looks good, I like to lean forward a smidge and think about leading with my pinky (without turning my hand)

Barbell curl is fine- you’re twisting your wrist at the top which you don’t need to do. Also think about keeping your upper arm straight during the lift.

Rear delt flyes look fine.

A lot of this stuff is getting kind of nit picky- overall all lifts look good so keep doing what you’re doing.