Starting off. I need advice with getting motivated to go to the gym and what I should eat.


New member
Hello, I’m Brandon and I’m 19 6’1 140 lbs trying to gain muscle. I am skinny and want to develop shape especially my back.
Any tips on affordable easy-to-make high protein meals?
How often I should go to the gym and how long?
@steliyanstoev Lots of chicken. Get some chicken breast, boil it in water with seasonings and raw onion and garlic and then shred it and season that shit again. Then use it for tacos! To build muscle you need lots of protein but also calories. Honorable mention foods for protein: cheese sticks, Greek yogurt, smoked salmon, beans. Honestly it’s kind of difficult to make this affordable, especially for meat. But if you stick to whole foods like the beans and splurge on meat, that should be able to supply you with enough food. You should be eating 1g of protein for every lb you weigh. So in your case, 140g of protein. To build muscle you also need to exercise a muscle group at least twice a week, one day apart at least so your body can recover. So you can do legs, arms, legs, arms, etc. I’d say shoot for an hour at the gym, but you need to make this lifestyle sustainable, so start with 30 minutes and build up from there!
You definitely need your why as to go to the gym (mine is to stunt on everyone 😂) but also you simply need to keep promises to yourself. Stay consistent, keep those promises
@steliyanstoev Hi! I wanted to expand on motivation vs discipline for a minute. If you rely on being motivated to do tasks a lot of the time you can talk yourself out of doing them because you just don’t feel like it. Discipline is “I said I was going to go lift weights for 30 minutes today so I am going to make sure I do that. or “I said I was going to get in 30 minutes of cardio today so I am going to make sure I do that.” By keeping that promise to yourself, by showing up and doing that thing you said you were going to do consistently that is how you will see results. Also, by choosing smaller goals and sticking to them consistently not only will you gain more strength and stamina over time without burning out, you will be able to increase the lengths of your workouts as you get stronger. Here’s a mathematical breakdown too. Let’s say you tell yourself I am going to workout 3 times a week 30 minutes a day for now. That is 90 minutes a week and 360 minutes a month with just that 1 goal. I hope this helps.

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