Starting over


New member
So I was athletic when I was younger. Well I gained 100lbs during my pregnancy with my daughter and never got back under 200 again. Well now I’m pregnant again and still hovering between 240-250 so not too terrible. I’ll be having a second C Section. The part I’m struggling with is coming up with a good workout plan for after I’m cleared after delivery. I’m coming to beginner fitness because I literally am starting completely over again. Help!! Where do I start again?! I don’t even know my body anymore and all my old workout routines are “advanced” and definitely not something I’ll be able to realistically do right after a C Section since I’ll also be working full time and going to nursing school with a 4 year old and a newborn. I need beginner help for sure cause I’m lost. I don’t even care about my weight, I just miss being healthy and am ready to create a good realistic plan to get me back in the groove slowly 😩 Also if anyone knows any good diabetic meal planning websites or groups, I’ll take that advice as well 😅
@shantom Start with walking. Walking can be easy on your body and is great exercise. As always, talk to your doctor. They will have the best advice and guidance. Make small easy changes while you can, fewer sweets, more veggies and more water.
@rubix I don’t eat sweets, I’m not a big sugar fan. So that’s easy enough. I asked my doctor about getting back into fitness after pregnancy and all she said was hire a trainer. Apparently she doesn’t understand how being poor works 😂
@shantom Actually sweets can trigger endorphins. And it is like training your body to do healthy things. So my wife and I would have one square of chocolate after dinner after a good work out.

Also, you are correct, you don't need to work out. Your work out is just taking your babies for walks.

Then picking them up, changing them, moving them to bed.

You honestly have your work out plan.

And you can thank your lovely perfect angels for it.

@bluefleur I’ve just never been much of a sugar person, I have no idea why. Even as a kid my grandma said I’d always choose fruit and vegetables over ice cream and shit and she still mocks me relentlessly for it to this day now that I moved back in. They were eating ice cream last night and I walked out and grabbed a banana and a bowl of mixed veggies and she laughed so hard she choked 🙄😂
I didn’t really think too much about all the movement I do with the girls being considered a workout. I work in a nursing home so I do the same things even with my patients so I guess by your logic I’m working out 16 hours a day lmao
@shantom No, I'm with you.

I didn't grow up with sweets.

Last night I asked my wife what was our plan with a candy bar that was 3 months old.

One candy bar.

So I'm with you.
@shantom We grew up with home made jam, home made peanut butter.

I know how to make my own chocolates that have less sugar. And we could not eat them!

My wife left town and I got a bag of fun size Baby Ruths.

I didn't finish the bag in a month.
@shantom The determination in your post took you already halfway there. Small steps, no judging, no self hate, no self pity. Consistency and discipline. 30 minutes are enough and there are plenty amazing people here to help with a workout. The first few weeks will be just sore muscles and stinky sweat :) Stay strong and keep going!