Stomach and ab transformation inspiration needed.


New member
5’1 143lbs and 51. I want to loose 15 pounds but want to see what results people have gotten specifically in the stomach area. Currently I work out 5 days a week lifting weight CG iron for a year, very active job but drink 1 day week and need to cut that out for a couple of months, also work on clean eating. My waist 29 inches and so bad looking though, 3 kids 1 C-section hysterectomy all in my past.
@jp45 You can’t spot reduce fat. It’s purely genetic where you carry it. To reduce body fat overall, you need to be in a calorie deficit. Use a TDEE calculator to find your maintenance calories, then eat less than that. I do recommend cutting out alcohol completely but I know how hard that is. Cutting it out helped my midsection look better because of all of the water retention/bloating it caused me.

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