StrongLifts 5x5 3 days p/w, 5k run 3 days p/w?


New member
I lift and run on and off without any real routine and I was thinking about getting more serious about it. Would it matter if I try commit to a 5k run in between SL5x5 days? Would it be too ambitious, while trying to recover from 5x5 day?
I'm a pretty average runner and I want to try get good at 5k, but I also want to work up to lifting heavy and getting some muscle definition going on. I've been told cardio can negatively affect lifting progress. Do I need focus on one? Any advice?
@hkr006 I do 5x5 and also run and do other cardio stuff on my non-lifting days. I find the whole "cardio affects lifting progress" is somewhat of a myth. 5k runs aren't going to destroy your progress, and aerobic exercises can actually help improve your lifts. Most importantly, make sure you are listening to your body. Recovery and proper fueling is key.
@hkr006 Just make the runs low intensity.

StrongLifts makes your body work at the max capacity every lifting session. You need to rest to build strength, so the off days need to be mainly recovery.

This will work just fine with running if you keep the pace slow and heart rate low.
@hkr006 Definitely give it a try, but watch how your joints feel. I'm fat and a bad runner, so YMMV, but I found that I had a terrible time trying to run and lift at the same time when I was running on the street or on a treadmill, but I switched to trail running and I'm going an hour a day 3x/week with no issues.
@hkr006 I've been doing something similar since July: I lift MWF and I run Tuesday, Thursday, and either Saturday or Sunday. I've been eating at a deficit so my lifts are progressing very slowly...I would suggest eating at maintenance (at least) if you care about progressing and building muscle quicker.
@hkr006 It's TOO MUCH cardio that affects muscle gain. 2-3 sessions of 30 mins won't kill anyone. But you will have to eat more on those days. And do cardio on your off days