Stronglifts 5x5 - Strength Results?


New member
I'm starting Stronglifts 5x5 using the app and was wondering if any women could post their results from following the programme? e.g 3 months/6 months/12 months?

I'm not too interested in aesthetics - just the numbers for the main lifts. In particular when you needed to deload or hit a plateau, and any adjustments you made.

I've done some lifting before but never consistently so will be starting with 20kg for all lifts.


Edit: Interesting in hearing people's personal outcomes trying this programme e.g. specific numbers :)
@dilynwrcrist In my experience it was only useful 2-3 years into my powerlifting journey. It did nothing for me when I first started lifting. I benefited more from programs that had/started with high volume instead of higher weight.
@dilynwrcrist Started 2 months ago after not going to the gym in a very long time but staying somewhat active. 5’5, 145lbs
Current weights OHP:70lbs (maxed yesterday) BP:90lbs DL 145lbs and squats 135...however i have discovered that my back squat form is not very good. Currently torn between spending time focusing in getting the form right..dropping all the weight and starting at the beginning with mobility.. or dropping 5X5 for less complex (and therefore less chance of injury) movements.

Will look into what others are recommending
@dilynwrcrist I started lifting using Stronglifts YEARS ago. I was completely new to lifting so I started everything using just the bar and for overhead press I started with dumbbells. I don't have exact results since I don't have the app anymore, but I followed it for probably about 6 months and made significant progress, particularly with the squat. But I stopped when I sort of plateaued and then switched to GZCLP (which I found I liked a lot more than 5x5) and then to Stronger by the Day, which I still do now.
@dilynwrcrist I personally loved the simplicity and almost consistent growth at least at the beginning of this program, I also learned I loved lifting heavy and loved compound lifts. I did it years ago. Not sure what my max was before starting as I did do some lifting but never any programs but for the sake of the program, I started with the bar on everything. I quit it when I was able to hit a 1RM of 135lbs on bench, 215lbs on squat and 230lbs on DL. I didnt get as pumped about OHP and rows so not sure where I ended there as it has been awhile. Don't have anything super helpful beyond that though since it was so long ago.
@dilynwrcrist I actually don't remember how long it took for those results. I just had a goal that I wanted to hit those numbers so kinda just kept going since i was still progressing. I tend to jump around a lot. Set random goals like hitting those numbers and then will pick something else and focus. Didnt have any desire to lift more than that.
@dilynwrcrist The app should tell you when you need to deload. Otherwise, the normal stuff like not feeling recovered, being sick or away for a while, etc.

People will say it’s not a good beginner program—and that’s true from a technical perspective. But a lot of beginners just need to get over the hump of getting started, get in the habit, build up some initial strength. And the strong lifts app is very easy for getting started.
@dilynwrcrist Strong Lifts isn't a great program, and the fact that you're starting all the lifts at the same weight reflects that.

The greyskull LP is a much much better program and a big improvement over the Starting Strength program on which it was based. In particular, the reset you do after stalling. It makes way more sense to go for a rep max to get some more volume and great stimulus when redoing a given weight instead of just doing it for sets of five again and expecting different results.
@dilynwrcrist Stronglifts isn’t the best program for beginners and this link has some good reasoning as to why. Deadlifting only once a week is a surefire way not to quickly increase your deadlift. r/weightroom has some great resources in their wiki on starter programs and best practices for beginners.
Deadlifting only once a week is a surefire way not to quickly increase your deadlift.

Really? I only barbell deadlift once a week and I consistently overload. Going for a new PR today too for PLATESLAM 2023.

I do one leg RDLs on another day in the week, too.
@jaz2001 That’s awesome that you’re still able to linearly progress and what a fantastic athletic career! I just meant that for people who are looking to primarily focus on improving their compound lifts, it’s usually a good idea to perform them or variations of them multiple times a week.
@dilynwrcrist I did stronglifts back in 2015 for 3-6 months. I don't remember what my ending numbers were, but I started with the bar and increased strength quite rapidly. I stopped due to injury and travel.