Struggling to get enough protein


New member
When I eat a protein rich meal (30+ g) it keeps me full for too long (which I know is kind of the point) but for example, I’ll eat 30g for breakfast and then I wont be hungry till dinner where I try to get another 30g in. I rarely get past 60g of protein. Im 5’2, 117 lbs and trying to recomp and build muscle. I haven’t seen much progress because I feel like I’m just not getting enough protein. It truly feels impossible for me. I really struggle to eat enough because I’m just not hungry and if I force myself to eat, I feel sick. I tried adding more cardio but it doesn’t increase my hunger levels. Anyone been through anything similar or have any advice ??
@10101212 hi! so no, i don’t have this problem but maybe you should consider adding some low volume high protein foods into your diet as you should be aiming for over 100g of protein daily.

ideas: tuna, cottage cheese, greek yogurt, protein bars, eggs, bone broth, protein smoothies
@itsmepippy Of course, collagen doesn’t have the all essential amino acids that your regular proteins like meat do so therefore it’s a incomplete protein source :) hope that helps
@yahoshua hey thank u I literally had no idea.. I have been adding it so far because it seems low calorie like 45 cals for 11grams .

Hypothetically .. if I added it to a soup and ate a burger on the side, then is it ok to count it?

also asking because it seems like a cheaper source of protein too..

Or what if I added it to milk? Stuff like that
@itsmepippy One of the main amino acid that completes a protein even meat protein is tryptophan you can try to get a supplement and yes I think milk will complete collagen! You can look up what other easy accesible foods that are not meat have tryptophan and pair your collagen with those foods :)
@lamarhourglass I actually do switch it up daily with all of those foods except bone broth ! I would’ve never considered that. What a genius suggestion, I’m def gonna try to incorporate it. Thanks!!
@10101212 Just a small heads up on broths… those have a ton of sodium, so if you have hypertension or don’t know if your blood pressure is ok or not, I’d be a bit careful. It’s Reddit, so I never know if someone is going to like drink lots of broth like… well, like water. 😂 I thought I’d just mention the only negative that exists for broths, just in case.
@10101212 Protein powder/shakes are a great way to get additional protein without feeling like you're force feeding yourself. Half my daily protein comes from a protein shake (30g powder, 20g collagen, 10g pea protein milk) and I drink it every morning
@sandralois I eat protein oats (30g) a lot which gets me super full but I don’t usually do shakes so maybe I’ll try that instead ! I’ve also never heard of pea protein milk, I’ll check that out thanks!
@10101212 Oats are very filling because of the fiber. Since it sounds like you’re not eating a ton, you probably need the fiber from oats, but maybe try replacing some of the oats with honey to make it lower volume
@10101212 2 eggs, 2 turkey bacons, some chicken, a protein shake, a protein yogurt, a cheese stick gets me to around 80g but my fat intake goes up for some reason.. idk tryna figure this out too
@10101212 If you want to eat protein but not suppress your hunger, try egg whites. At least for me, when I eat 300 grams of egg whites (which is 33 grams of protein and 160 calories) I'm still hungry as if I didn't eat anything.