Struggling to get enough protein

@10101212 I saw you mentioned that you’re eating protein oats for breakfast! Oats can really fill some people up for a long time, I think it has to do with the fiber in them? I’m not sure!

Does it happen when you don’t have oats for breakfast? For example, try eggs and toast and maybe make a small protein shake to get to 30g. Something I do is I drink a shake throughout the day, so I’ll drink some in the morning then put it in the fridge and have some at lunch. Sometimes I’ll finish it in one go, but I’ve had days where I’m taking the last sip after dinner. I also find shakes go down easier through a straw for me 😬
@10101212 I don’t struggle with that. There are protein water drinks out there for the kind of problem you are having.
Also, there is a collagen jelly/jello mixes with 16g protein per serving (68 calories). That’s pretty easy to consume without feeling very full or going over budget (at least I don’t find them filling)
@deelo00 The “clear” protein is easier to manage for sure.

Isopure and several other brands have those clear whey blends which are the same or similar to the protein water or jello.

shakes are too thick.🤢
@10101212 I sneak 9g of protein into my morning coffee by whisking Organika collagen powder into it. Lunchtime I usually get ~30g with egg whites or tuna. I’ll have a protein shake around 3:30/4 which adds another 25g. And then dinner is 30-40g depending on my protein choice. I think the key in my day are the collagen/protein powders, which are low calorie and don’t feel super filling but really add to my protein count.
@10101212 I would start by spreading your protein into smaller amounts of protein throughout the day. Also, can you give an example of what you’re eating? It might make a difference for how you approach it.

I wouldn’t do the shakes, it sounds like you’re not trying to lower overall calories and shakes might exacerbate the problem of feeling too full to eat a meal
@baherring1s I’ve tried doing that too but I feel like my body just hits a wall once I’ve consumed a certain amount of food, doesn’t really matter if it’s spread out. I don’t get hungry till about 10/11 and I usually go for protein oats with some kind of fruit mixed in or 2 eggs with greens, 2 pieces of sourdough with nutritional yeast sprinkled. Both equal out to about 30g of protein. Less often, I’ll eat yogurt and granola which is less protein but with any of those things, im full till about 4:30 when I usually just make dinner since if I snack in between I won’t be hungry later. For dinner examples, any recipe I make generally includes a source of protein like chicken, Turkey, fish, shrimp paired with a large serving of any and all veggies and then rice, chickpea /lentil / rice noodles, potatoes, tortillas (I eat a lot of tacos lol) etc. Sometimes I can get up to 40/50 g with dinner but then I’m less hungry in the mornings. I just feel like I’m not getting enough calories, protein and nutrients in but i cannot physically force myself to eat more