Struggling w/ gaining weight after Long Covid


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Male 29 y.o. 6’2” 140 lbs. Title says it all. I’m currently battling long Covid. My diet wasn’t exactly healthy before my fight with PASC/Long Covid. I have lost 20 lbs battling this post viral syndrome. I also now have a sensitivity to wheat/gluten and a slight sensitivity to soy. I can really only stomach rice, potatoes, beans, gluten free bread/bagels, some fruit and vegetables, hummus, oats, almond butter. I drink owyn protein shakes in the morning w/ a banana, grilled cheese w/ hummus and chips for lunch and dinner can be anything from potatoes or rice with beans and soy protein crumbles. I snack between meals w/ waffles and almond butter and bagels and almond butter. I also drink almond cashew protein milk between meals.

I ate like this precovid except maybe for dinner I’d add faux chicken wings and fries and vegan pizza and burgers into the mix, along with going out to Chinese restaurants for tofu and veggies. I since can’t stomach gluten or wheat so many faux meats, soy sauce, and tomatoes are off the table and my stomach is iffy on soy but it tolerates it. May also be suffering from histamine related issues. I’m struggling trying to keep this diet as I’ve been a vegan for 3 years. I’d bet I’m more than likely deficient in many micro nutrients as Covid has a tendency to wipe out reserves… getting blood work done soon. Certain foods trigger my POTS/suspected histamine intolerance as well. I’m not on medication currently and can’t afford to lose any more weight. I’m unable to work out as exercise intolerance is a symptom… but my heart rate is constantly in the 120+ just walking. I’m not sure where to post this and May delete or repost elsewhere but I need some help Reddit. My GI dr recommended multivitamin, probiotics, and eating ground Turkey… not sure what to do or where to go for help.
@texasmom33 The 120+ BPM for just walking isn’t normal is it? I would speak to a doctor about that seeing as how Covid is known to have caused heart issues. Also the Covid vaccine could also cause issues with the heart but those are much rarer if I’m not mistaken.

You also probably should start taking a multivitamin and get in a slight calorie surplus to put on some weight because you are technically underweight for your height right now and then eat at maintenance after putting on some pounds. You could very well be eating way under the amount of calories of what you need to maintain/put on size.

I will also say that if you need to stop being vegan to get your health back on track then that’s fine. Veganism is all about “as far as practicable and possible”.

Overall I would suggest seeing your primary physician to get yourself checked and bring up all these issues to them and make sure you start eating more. Try to eat at least 2100-2200 calories, I would say.
@dawn16 Thanks for that. I’m assumed to have viral Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome… basically heart rate rises with any postural change. Can be chilling in bed at 70-80 bpm rhr and as soon as I get up it can hit 120+ and stay until I sit down… so my heart and body are constantly burning calories with the slightest of movements. I eat the same amount as I did precovid with much less exercise and still not in a calorie surplus. Health has also been a huge concern for me and originally being vegan helped put my IBS into remission… so getting off this diet although it may be painful might be my only option.
@texasmom33 I wish you well. Protein shakes and bars are your best friend if you’re trying to get calories in.

You could try just making a large smoothie or maybe even look into finding a healthy mass gainer powder.