Struggling with eating … too many sweets

@messagesoflove I am a recovered alcoholic I hear you bro. I've found that if I do not eat breakfast and don't eat enough during the workday when bedtime comes around I have an insane cravings for sweets I HAVE to feed. However if I start my day with 4 whole eggs and a bowl of rice meal (a good breakfast) and I eat at least two more clean meals at work then at night I have zero sugar cravings.

Your body is starving for nutrition and at night it screams at you until you shut it up with sugar(a drug). Which makes it worse and round and round we go every day. How does one break out of this cycle? With willpower and a fierce genuine desire to progress and live well.

Don't think your way into a new way of acting... instead, act your way into a new way of thinking. Re-read that last sentence and memorize/visualize it, really comprehend it. The actions come first, then the feelings come after. The first few days of practicing new healthy habits I felt like I was literally dying. After about 2 weeks of working out and eating clean daily I felt as if I should have been doing this all along.

Next, invest in a coach or trainer or befriend someone who has successfully done what you want to do.

Message me if you have any questions.
@messagesoflove I’ve had this same issue a lot in the past. I can easily work my body into exhaustion but have problems with the food. Currently I’m finding success in meal prepping. Adding some sweets like a yogurt, kombucha, or chocolate protein shake to just satisfy that craving.
@messagesoflove Don't keep them in the house if it's something you will binge. At the same time, you are allowed to still have treats from time to time,.so keep things in the house you know you won't eat 5000 calories of at once.

Put a time limit on eating. I eat a small (real sugar and fat) sweet treat every night which is not good but it's immediately after dinner and then the kitchen is closed. Do not go back until morning. I lost 10 pounds when I cut out late night snacking.

I also find it helpful to brush my teeth early at night before cravings set back in. Something about the mint and clean mouth help me understand eating is over for the day.
@messagesoflove Just dont buy shit, then you wont get fucked by your animal thats wants sweets. I cut it 100% starting February, and lost 6 KG in 1 Month. Just buy apples and stuff, way better snacks then sweets. Buy less stuff in general.
@messagesoflove Agree with a lot of the other comments, I’ve been there and I’ve binged!!

I started buying really chewy sweets so they would last longer but then were worse because they ended up hurting my jaw and giving me weird lines on the side of my tongue.

I tried buying sour sweets so that too many would actually hurt my tongue… did it anyway. I tried sugar free sweets… binging on them glues you to the toilet but I still would eat a packet in one day.

I tried buying protein chocolate bars or low calorie ones… absolutely awful flatulence and I could easily eat a whole box in 10 minutes

I’m not sure where you’re from but my strategy now is the sweet high protein yoghurts from Aldi/lidl they actually taste like a dessert the chocolate, vanilla and caramel so I could satisfy my sweet tooth and protein gains. Calorie wise they’re better than a bag of sweets so if I want another one, I’ll have another one because they do taste like a treat

That would be my conveniencefoods advice, you could also look at baked oat recipes that include sweets and chocolate to not feel like you’re depriving yourself and make you want it more
@messagesoflove So scientifically speaking, there are numerous studies which have shown this type of "sugar addiction" behavior, the reason being that sugar feeds the wrong type of gut bacteria in our microbiome. This bacteria will then flourish and push out the good gut bacteria, and these bacteria then release chemicals to stimulate your desire for more sugar. As a previous poster mentioned, you need to cut the sugar out, and after a few days the cravings will diminish. After a few weeks, your gut biome can reset and it will be much easier
@messagesoflove It's addictive!! I got put on medication literally to help kick the addiction. No different than drugs, gives you that dopamine hit. Just sending sympathy because it's hard
@messagesoflove Lots of people mentioning sugar addiction, flour actually does the same thing to the brain! There is a food addiction program called Bright Line Eating that might interest you.

Congratulations on your sobriety!