Suggestions please


New member
I'm fat, ca 100kg and 180cm. I guess bmi of 30

I goto gym 6d a week

Day 1 and 4: bike 5km, deadlift 3 sets of 10 x 100, bench 3 sets of 12 x 60, and squat 3 sets of 10 x 80

Day 2 and 5: bike 5km, lunge 10 each leg, 40kg, Dumbell squats 3 sets of 10 with 20kg each hand, curl 3 setd of 10 x 24, overhead press 3 sets of 10 x 24

Day 3 and 6: bike 6 -10km, arms - Dumbell bench 3 sets of 30 each arm, curl 3 sets of 10x 24, overhead press 3 sets of 10x24, triceps 3 sets of 10x10each arm, rows 3 sets of 10x27.5 each arm, and stairs 5min or so.

Day 7: rest

looking to decrease bmi, not build muscle anymore. I am increasing from 3 reps of 10 to 3 reps of 15, but not sure what else to drop bmi, other than keep dropping what I eat.

Edit: need to eat less to drop bmi is concensus. Too bad I love my food.
@confuzn Up that bike work, or better yet buy a bike and go for proper sessions of riding. Cleaning up the diet and adding endurance work will smash off the weight.
@confuzn How you workout is irrelevant to decreasing your bmi, which is a measure of height and weight. To decrease it you have to decrease your weight, and the simplest way to do that is to eat less calories.
@confuzn If you love food, you need to increase the “calories out” part of the equation.

If “calories in” (what you eat) remains constant, you need to burn more calories. So, more cardio to be at a caloric deficit. Every day, that is. I bike 20km effortlessly in abt 50min. If you’re gonna drop 20kg you’ll probably need 200km weekly, which is most def 90min biking per day. You can do some weight training 2-3x weekly to maintain muscle mass while increasing cardio.