Suggestions to replace squats


New member
I’ve read so much in this sub but never posted. I’m working on getting back in shape and have been having trouble with my feet and legs, including joint mobility in my ankles. I went to a podiatrist this week and got x rays, and it turns out the reason I can’t make progress in my one ankle is because of a bone spur that impedes my ankle’s ability to flex further. There isn’t much to be done about it.

I currently don’t have the ankle mobility to have a remotely good squat and with the bone spur it looks like I won’t be able to get it. Are there other movements that I can combine to build some of the strength that squats do?
@fesh Same experience here. I was told by a doctor after a knee scan that I could never run again. A few physio sessions got me back to running... two marathons that year.
@prayingwife2015 I have smaller range of motion in one ankle due to an injury that never healed correctly. I squat as far as I can squat and don't worry about ass-to-grass. I can just about do box squat depth. Also elevated heel squats are great.
@prayingwife2015 I just ruptured my Achilles 11 weeks ago (had surgery). So my mobility is terrible, too, right now.

I started doing box squats slightly above 90°. That has helped a lot. Wearing shoes that had a high heel drop works too.

Standing on a plate and slightly pointing your toes outward helps with ankle mobility!

I would argue that skipping squats is not a great idea. (Unless there is no absolute safe way to do them). As they are are one of our primal patterns.

Try these modifications first. That being said, I am sure not doing them won't ruin your gains!

@pasteldreamrose How are you doing box squats 11 weeks after Achilles rupture repair? I was 12 weeks out before I was allowed to bear any weight and, even then, I was in a boot with heel wedges and had to use crutches to work my way up to full weight bearing on the boot foot for a week after that. I don’t think I was squatting again until like 24 weeks.
@texfire316 It really depends on your Dr's protocols. I've seen people start weight bearing 5 days after surgery, and immediately, if they are non op. The longest I have heard for NWB is 8 weeks..... 12 weeks NWB is insanity. There is no way I would have followed that. There is tons of research out now saying early WB is very important.
I had a nice aggressive protocol, which brought me back to my normal life faster.

I was FWB in a boot at 2 weeks and started FWB without a boot at 6 weeks.

The only thing I don't do right now is anything explosive or major stretching.

This is my second rupture. I did my left 7 years ago, and my right almost 12 weeks ago now. Both times, I started back to activity quickly.

That really sucks that was your protocol :(
@pasteldreamrose It was absolutely brutal! My surgeon is renowned and has worked on a handful for big 4 pro athletes, so I just trusted the process without questioning. So far, so good. I’m almost a year out and am doing heavy a2g squats and my mobility is very good. My legs looked like twigs for a minute. I wish my protocol would’ve been more like yours, but I guess I can’t question the results at this point. Thanks for the info!
@texfire316 You definitely would have come out of that a better person. Lol, I don't think I would have listened. Good for you. Check out the achilles group on reddit if you are curious about protocols. They are all over the place.

I have had really great long-term success on my left. Hoping for that again!

You're welcome. :)
@prayingwife2015 I had to drop squats.due to knee pain, and my physio told me that while squats are awesome they aren't necessary, plenty of athletes never doing them. So look at leg press (double and single), leg extensions, deadlifts, step ups , lunges, hip thrusts etc
@tim10001 I don't do them either. Issues with an ankle injury that never fully healed and two knee surgeries all on the same side - I just don't want to risk going through all that again. Leg presses, hack squats, hip thrusts, etc. Basically anything with more controlled motion - and bending only to a comfortable level. I want to avoid injury almost as much as I want to stay fit.
@prayingwife2015 I have smaller range of motion in one ankle due to an injury that never healed correctly. I squat as far as I can squat and don't worry about ass-to-grass. I can just about do box squat depth. Also elevated heel squats are great.
@prayingwife2015 There are modified squats you can do that don’t require dorsiflexion… but the safer method is to use the leg press machine if available - as you can position your feet to limit it.