Sun Warrior v. Vega v. True Nutrition?

@merrily I like Naked Pea, it's just plain powdered pea protein with no additives that you can build into whatever you want. No sugar, fairly cheap, and I either add to a fruit and veggie smoothie or I've made my own protein bars with oat flour, pea protein, PB2, and almond milk and 85% cocoa. chocolate pieces. The bars aren't very good, but are palatable, but the way I make them its like 25g of protein for 200 calories and 2g of sugar.
@merrily I'm a fan of Sun Warrior. I started with Vega, but switched to SW. I later got some Vega samples afterwards at some event. I made the same mix I've used for years (1 serving chocolate powder, half a banana, 1 cup of protein flax or almond milk, 1 tbsp of peanut butter). I almost spit it out... I couldn't figure out how I used to drink that stuff.

I haven't tried the other one you mentioned, but everything I've read points to SW being one of the best for price and protein content. The taste is great also. I'd much rather drink down a SW with plain water than most other proteins I've tried.