Supplement Q


New member
First post ever!...I’m a 36 year old female, once upon a time very competitive athlete. I’ve recently gotten into CrossFit pretty hard and am looking to find a legal safe way to be enhance my fat loss and strength. I don’t even know where to start to look. Any suggestions are welcomed! I want something as clean as possible, but that also gets the job done and actually works. Thanks!!
@saron Creatine works but it will only make a 1% difference. If you don't get enough protein in your diet you can supplement w/ protein shakes but it's exactly that a supplement to make up for what you're not eating. Same w/ vitamins.

You could look into Sarms, a lot of top Crossfitters do them.
@dawn16 SARMs are a grey area in legality (besides competition), and likely not safe (at all) in the long term. especially for those with cancer risks.
@saron Unless you can track every bit of food going in and out of you, the conventional wisdom is to focus on fat loss and then build muscle. You can only do one efficiently while the other lags behind. It's a hard truth to swallow because we see infomercials, ads, products, YouTube videos, even real life fitness trainers who build up the myth that both are equally achievable at the same time in unbelievable rates.

Protein powder. It might make you feel fuller.

Multivitamin. If you're eating less, these will help fill in micronutrient gaps.

@steve3 I’m a nutritional therapist, so I get the idea of it all.. but it’s hard to follow and practice what you preach. And I don’t focus at all on performance nutrition. Can you talk to me a little about Creatine? It’s been mentioned a few times here but I have no familiarity with it and a google search leads me to worry about mood swings and low sex drive.
@saron All I know is bro science. Supposedly it allows more water to enter your muscles thus allowing more nutrients to enter the muscle. Practically and anecdotally, when I started using it I could squeeze out an extra rep or two on accessory work which eventually translates to strength gains. Some people experience bloating but I did not. I definitely don't have a low sex drive. I'm always secretly moody so I can't tell if this had any effect there. I'm told it's in red meat which makes sense because body builders of old didn't have creatine but they did eat 1-2 steaks a day.

Honestly, it could be a placebo effect but I only spend like $30 every 3 months or so I'm willing to take that chance.