Survey on Disordered Eating Behaviors & Body Image Concerns (Everyone 18+)


New member
Hi, I’m currently working on a thesis project that aims to understand factors that may serve to protect against disordered eating behaviors (e.g., strict dieting, overeating, binge eating) and body image concerns. For everyone aged over 18 - we are looking at a community sample, so people not currently diagnosed with an eating disorder.

If you have some time, I’d really love for you to fill out the survey below! It will take around 20 minutes. Thank you! 🧡
@paulys74 I will not participate due to my concerns with your sampling acquisition methodology. Posting on subs about fitness may result in a heavy bias on the population that answers and it affects the quality of the generalisations you will eventually make in your study.
@bmoses Agreeing with this guy. Not to mention there are a lot of problems with your survey questions, like what if someone is unhappy with their bod cause they're ugly, and not necessarily unfit? And all you can get from height and weight is a bmi, you can't figure out if they're lean, powerlifter, or skinny fat.
Still participated though, curious about your results.