Switching programs


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Switching programs

Been following a 4 day upper/lower split for about 4 months. I feel like I am ready to increase my frequency and am hoping to see more gains. I have time and energy to try to do a 6 day PPL split. Here is what I’ve put together so far. I’m open to suggestions on what y’all think I should change. I might be going too hard on core so let me know if I should remove some of the core workouts or any other ones. Or if there is anything I could replace for more effective results. Once I get this routine dialed in I plan to run it for atleast 6 months.

The plan is to do push 1, pull 1, legs 1, rest, push 2, pull 2, legs 2, rest, repeat. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks.






@rootsrockreggae This is pretty much the only 'thoughts on my program' post I've ever seen where the routine isn't God awful. This looks pretty good. Run with it and let us know how it goes.

If you start to feel beat up, it may help you to either shift the rest day between pull and legs, or add occasional, additional rest days at that point. Hitting DL and BB rows, followed by a lengthy leg day, can be taxing, but extremely doable if you have decent workload capacity and can reasonably manage recovery (aka be aware of accrued fatigue and increase calories, try to get extra sleep, autoregulate training, where needed). Probably just something to keep in your pocket for when you get deeper into the meso, you're really pushing the relative intensity and fatigue has significantly accrued.
@rootsrockreggae Looks like a great start. I assume this is just an evolution of your 4 day split so most of these exercises have already been tested for your preference/workability. I would move forward with what you have an add variation from there.

Only thing I will say is that I personally found it way too taxing to do deadlifts twice a week on a 6 day PPL split. You may find differently, but for me it was most effective to just do an effective, heavy deadlift in the first half of my week and add in 1-2 replacement exercises for the second day. Though, I do also know others who have not had the same issue, so just somethin to be aware of.

Great start and good luck!