Testosteron results


New member
Hello,i need help,after 2 years of natural lifting i decided to test my testoreon,estradiol and progesteron..
And i got results that suprised me
Test 4,26 ng/ml
Progesteron 0.3 (max for men is 0.15)
I workout for 2 years 185kg and 94kg..
I don’t feel weak,but my libido is down
Doctors says that this is ok but i don’t think so,for my age no
Someone have expirience with this?
@daniel54 What’s your age? Everything seems within range. You could try a few things to raise them naturally but depending on your age any prescription TRT would be irresponsible.

What was your free testosterone? Total serum testosterone isn’t a particularly useful number to make any judgements from without free test numbers.
@daniel54 Unless you rly feel some hypogonadism symptoms I’d not rly mind about that. All seems pretty fine, just stick to your diet, work out hard and focus on 7,5 (or more) hours of sleep a day. There’s nothing more you need to do.