The Giant

@josephhayes You got it. I was trying to explain without giving the program away, so it lacked clarity.

The Giant 3.2 would be the same, +1 rep for each set after completing 3.1.
@kikelomo I'm running the Giant now for the second time. I'm doing 20 minutes, but I do a fair amount of accessory work as well as deadlift before the workout twice a week. I trail run on off days as well, so doing 20 works better as far as daily energy levels. But if The Giant is the bulk of your training, I'd go for 30 minute sessions.
@kikelomo Geoff has recommended elsewhere you could start week 1 with 20 min., week 2 with 25, week 3 go all out with 30 min. then cut back to 20 for a deload week(or not).
@kikelomo Do 30 minutes. 20 minutes is useful if I need to deload a bit and get a lighter day in. If you follow the programs you will absolutely progress from 20 kg to 24 kgs. I started The Giant 1.0 with a pair of 50 lb kettlebells and was only able to get around 30 reps per workout. I ended 2.0 getting well over 90 reps per session, and am now on The Giant 3.0 with a pair of 28 kg bells and getting around 25 reps per session. It's a killer program that produces amazing results if you stick with it as written.
@kikelomo Ok I have been in your situation (still kind of am) and if I could give one bit of advice that I wish I had listened to. Just do it. Do the program. Don’t think about it and just do it. Sounds silly but I have been stupid with programme hopping and I am finally sticking with the giant in its entirety. I would do 30 mins in all honesty. That extra 30 mins a week will benefit you greatly. And with all due respect you say 20 fits your schedule better? How? You can’t do another 10 mins? Sounds like you are trying to give yourself reasons to only do 20. Do 30. It will be better
@youngman4god Doing my workouts in the morning because I don’t have time later in the day and it’s already hard with just 20 mins. I’ve been doing 10 minute warm ups + 2 10 minute blocks of KB/ Bodyweight workouts for about 1,5 years now and that timing is what I can sustain. Going to do Pull-ups/Squats on off days so it’s not just 3 times a week.